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232. Return

231. Water Clan

230. Revenge

229. Hacking

228. Prowess

227. Attack

226. Punches

225. Fucking

224. Pitstop

223. Bounty

222. Examine

221. Magnetic Mission

220. Their AEPs

219. Magnetic Clan

218. Grudges

217. Random

216. Success

215. Mission

214. Upgrade

213. Cleared

02 and 03 Meet

avatar on 2023-05-06 13:49:30

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We then let 08927 drive us down to the clan building. 03 looked at me. I just smiled and said "We just went to war. You couldn't help us because Water Clan is on your side." He frowned and said "No way we'd betray you for those losers in Water Clan." he said. I had no reason to not believe him. We had definitely been through a lot. 03 was riding shotgun. I looked at 08927. "So, did you get pregnant yet? I hope your baby grows up big and strong." I said. I genuinely appreciated him for coming to get us all the way over here. It was a small smile on his face when he looked at me in the driver's mirror and said "Yes. I hope so as well." We then got on the road. Water Clan watched us from the street as we left. They were glaring at us the whole time. That did not phase me or Paul at all. We then relaxed as we got to drive nonstop to our destination. We called Brett and told him we were on our way. It took several days, but we had already saved the clan. Strength and violence were the only language that the Conqueror faction understood. The Toxic Clan ran a bank of all things. It was crazy.

That was where their transmission hub was hosted. All of the main Clans had their clan building be near the host of their transmission hub. They drove us all the way to our clan business. We all got out of the car. Brett and 02 were among the clanmates welcoming us back. When 03 saw 02, 03 got really angry. "What are you doing here!? You are a deviant, 02. You don't get to stay here and play!" he spat before raising his fist. 02 looked shocked. As this was quickly going south, I grabbed 03 from behind. "Run inside 02! I'll handle this!" I yelled as 03 struggled in my grasp. 03 looked at me and Paul. "But..." he hesitated. Brett just shoved him towards the lounge as the very angry 08927 began to charge at them. "Go already!" he snapped. 02 began to flee. He then took his wand and immobilized the hostile PEP unit. With that done, we soon were able to get them to calm down. 03 was still angry that he was not able to attack and kill his former clanmate. I thought that this was so sad. When I tried to broach the subject, he just glared at me. "We can't let a deviant get away." he said firmly.

I obviously could not allow that. "02 is a member of my clan now. You can't kill him. I don't even think that you would be able to anyway." I said to him. He looked shocked at this. "These is no way that he can beat me with the corruption in his core systems eating at him." I shrugged. "We have been working on that. He's gotten rid of all his corrupted nanites and replaced them with more potent ones than he had before. I don't think your organs are enough to defeat him." He scowled at me. "I do not believe you. You better prove to me that he's strong." he demanded. I told him all about the memory nanites from the PEA units in my clan. When I was done, he pounced onto me. "Give me some of those nanites. He is my former clanmate. I need to be the one to kill him. He was right there when he was corrupted by that brown symbiote." the orange haired AEP unit said testily. I told him that I could not do that. He pushed me to the ground and straddled me. "I'm going to wring you dry until you agree." he said seriously. I rolled my eyes. "Fine. Ride me like a submissive bitch." I teased. He balked.

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