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224. Pitstop

223. Bounty

222. Examine

221. Magnetic Mission

220. Their AEPs

219. Magnetic Clan

218. Grudges

217. Random

216. Success

215. Mission

214. Upgrade

213. Cleared

212. Nanites

211. Newbies

210. Bargain

209. Assimilation

208. Try # 6

207. Try # 4 and 5

206. Try # 2 and 3

205. Try # 1

Moving Along

avatar on 2023-05-06 13:28:23

202 hits, 4 views, 2 upvotes.

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It was probably their first mission out with the enemy. They came back and demanded I follow them. "We want to talk. C'mon" one said. Being that I was actually awake and aware, I knew better than to follow them. I told them I was staying where all of my friends could see me. "That's not fair! You have to come with us Brianne!" the other whined. They had my name already. I said "No, I don't. Just tell me what you want to tell me." They looked at each other and the one in the pink shirt said "Let me kill you." I was impressed with the blunt nature of the request. Normally I would say that took balls, but they were just kids and did not have a single clue what they were doing if not in combat or directly handled by other units. The other pushed him out the way and said "No way! I saw him first. I want to kill him!" They were glaring at each other and they started flexing their armored plating at each other. I sighed and they looked at me. "Let me guess. You guys are after the big bounty." I said out loud. They looked shocked. "How do you know about all that!?" the one in the red shirt demanded.

I rolled my eyes at him. "You're not the first to try taking me out. Just go. I have a group of very strong AEP units here that will defend me if I get into some combat with you." I said. Calculating the odds of their survival, they both backed off immediately. There was nothing else they could do. While they were overpowered compared to the humans at this point of the game due to the speed running, unless it was a direct combat, they had the real possibility of derping themselves into mistakes and traps or letting crucial information slip out. I was able to get out of them that they were from the Impact Clan and that this gas station was directly above their clan building. The cyborgs were from the Conqueror faction and wanted to look imposing. That is why they had the outfit on. I just shook my head. I craned my neck and saw all the PEP units at the counter face palming and looking besides themselves with embarrassment. They did not want to make it too obvious, so they sent them out alone. It was the biggest mistake they could make. They were lucky I treated all AEP units with kid gloves.

This could have gone really bad. I could easily have killed them both in the bathroom and walked out. Eventually, we were ready to go. The AEP units both slunk off into the background as we drove away from the gas station. A brief conversation ensued about what happened. Eventually we got to another pitstop. Paul called us and said he had to use the bathroom. I groaned and said "Are you serious! We have a job." "It's not going anywhere in the time it takes for a piss break." he snapped back. It was true. When we pulled over, Paul shimmied on over to the restroom. I was waiting around for 10 minutes when I realized he had not come back yet. I wondered what could be taking so long. I looked at the passengers in my car. They were content to wait longer. Nothing that could be wrong had even crossed their minds. "I'm going to check on Paul. He's holding us up." I said annoyed as I opened the door. They nodded. I could only think of 2 things that could be holding him up in a dirty public rest stop. Neither one I really wanted to think about now. When I got to the door, I opened it.

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