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221. Magnetic Mission

220. Their AEPs

219. Magnetic Clan

218. Grudges

217. Random

216. Success

215. Mission

214. Upgrade

213. Cleared

212. Nanites

211. Newbies

210. Bargain

209. Assimilation

208. Try # 6

207. Try # 4 and 5

206. Try # 2 and 3

205. Try # 1

204. Failure

203. Waiting

202. Officer

Their First Mission

avatar on 2023-05-06 13:19:26

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After us humans got the "AEP Seal of Approval", Lynx, Luka and Link got more curious about us. Their clan were focused on researching human bodies. All of them just wandered over and began to poke, prod and feel us up. I raised my eyebrow at their antics. I was not going to interfere with their play time. Luka was the one examining me. Link was with Brett and Lynx was with Paul. Brett was really enjoying it. The AEP units were taking the form he gave them. Since he was bisexual, the attractive cyborg feeling him up was a nice thing. "You have wings. This is an abnormality. Is it functional?" Brett was asked. He even began giving Link recommendations on where to feel next. "You look like you should be below average, but I can tell there are large hidden reserves of strength here." Luka told me. As they were not actually hurting us, we simply let them do it. When they were finally finished with us, their opinion of us went up a bit. We were all very strong. Lynx wanted to spar with Paul. He just looked at us. Brett and I shook our heads furiously. We all got in good with each other.

There was no reason at all we needed to piss them off by embarrassing them in front of the others in a fight. Paul gently turned him down. "There is no point. We're allies and you are going to be leaving soon. The last thing we need is any delay in getting you to your new clan building." he told Lynx. Lynx accepted it. With that being the case, Luka and Link were not challenging either. It was good for social cohesion. They also liked going to the lab made for them. They were actually able to go out on a brief rescue mission. There was a PEP unit captured by some scrappers. Once they ran out with a trio of PEA units, it was off to the races. Paul, Brett and I knew it was all over if something happened to them. We had sniper rifles to make sure things went smoothly. Since it was their first time, they were a bit sloppy in the execution. Then backups came to attack them. They pinned down behind a couch. Luckily, it was also in front of a window. We cleared out that room. They were then able to get the PEP unit. Once they got the unit to the extraction point, they were done. Brett did a quick fly over.

Keeping tabs on them made sure they were safe as Paul and I made it back to the clan building first. We did not want them to know that we did not trust them. When all of them came back, they were greeted with a great round applause. That made them feel good. Brett came in later. After that, they laid low until the truck arrived. There were 6 X-frames, 6 PEP units, 6 PEA units and 3 AEP units. That was a lot to move around to the other side of the continent. Brett would hold down the fort while we got in the convoy. We had an armored sedan. The 6 PEP units were in the X-frames in the back in the moving truck. 2 PEA units were in the cab of the truck. 4 other PEA units were in another armored sedan. The 3 AEP units were riding in the back of our sedan for the journey. We would be in front of the convoy. The 4 PEA units were in a prime position in the back of the convoy. Lynx, Luka and Link were fine being with us on the journey. The new Magnetic AEP units were amazing. Lynx and Link were able to lift and move metallic things from 60 feet. Luka could levitate 10 feet off the ground.

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