Strictly speaking, things had been a lot harder for Karyn than for me. After the Year of the Stone (as we apocalyptically and only half jokingly referred to it), my life had returned to status quo. Almost painfully so, in fact. All I had to do was act like I always did. The key phrase there being 'had to'. As in, no choice. Among the lingering effects of some errant wishing was the cliquey highschool from hell. We all had our roles to play. And they were strictly enforced. Luckily, my role was...Jon. Yes, they really called it that. Me. Smart, somewhat underachieving. Not popular but not a geek. The every-boy. Sad that my life could be summed up that way, I suppose. But it could be much worse. I could be Karyn.
Because Karyn was not a Karyn. No, Karyn was a...