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45. Lunchtime Surprises

44. Back at Lake Point...

43. Strange Encounters

42. Back in Lake Point...

41. Into the Valley of Confusion

40. Meanwhile, in Mount Valley...

39. A New Day

38. After the Break

37. Halftime with the Vixens

36. Here comes halftime

35. Tip-off

34. Before the Mirror

33. Heading for home

32. Art Imitates (Other) Life

31. Civic Role Reversal

30. Unexpected Embarrassment in En

29. In the cafeteria

28. On the way to lunch

27. Welcome to Math

26. Alcohol and drugs

Nicole's World: A Lot to Chew On

avatar on 2018-02-17 02:43:38

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Jonatha and Jade walked together to the cafeteria after math class.

"So, have you heard anything about the basketball team yet?" Jade asked, his long blonde hair bobbing behind him flawlessly.

"No, I haven't, though I don't think we'll get word until tomorrow. I'm sure the state athletic association is poring over that game film."

"Well, they'll have a lot to go through."

"Hey, Jade?"


"Do you know anyone named Symone or Sym Black?"

"It sounds familiar...and yet it doesn't. Why do you ask?"

"Because I had the strangest second and third period. You know that girl I was sitting by today? The one who was sitting in Karyn's seat from yesterday?"

"Yeah?" Jade tilted his head as the two walked into the room.

"Well, I feel like I'm losing my mind. This girl says she's on the team yet she looks totally unfamiliar. I don't even remember a Sym Black from last night's game. And Karyn's nowhere to be found."

"Even Nicole seemed a little baffled, I gotta say."

"Hey gals," Nicole called out from behind the two of them in the lunch line. "Can I talk? Both of you," she beckoned. The two of them stepped back in line to give themselves a little more time to chat.

"What's up?"

"So I was in study hall looking at the game footage and I saw something. Somehow in all that mixup, a few people wound up on the wrong side. And I think you might know."

"What do you mean!?"

"Karyn somehow was sent home with the Mount Valley team. In exchange, we seem to have one of theirs. I'm not at Mount Valley, so I can't confirm, but... Judging by what happened here, there is a confused girl in a daze walking the hallways of Mount Valley High School, and her first name is Karyn."

"First name?"

"Think of it. Last night, it was Karyn Black and Sym Anderson. Now it's Sym Black and...Karyn Anderson?" As the three of them ordered their food, they continued to ponder the idea. "There's just one problem."

"What's that?" Jade asked.

"I don't want to go to Mount Valley, where the girls might be back to...well, 'normal'."

"Why haven't you told others?" Jonatha held his plate and stood off to the side with the rest of the group.

"I asked Buffie out of curiosity. He only remembers Symone Black."

"If Buffie doesn't know, but we remember, who'd remember at Mount Valley?"

"I don't know, but this might be getting crazier. Jonatha, I need to talk to just you..."

"Alright then, see you later," Jade chirped as he walked back to the table with the cheerleaders.

"Y...yeah, Nicole?" Jonatha said, his mouth full of food.

"Well, you've gotta keep up your end of the deal for me to even think about keeping mine."

"What do you mean?"

"You know. Go out with me. And you might get that stone thing back."

Jonatha sighed, seemingly in resignation. "Well, you tell me when and where. I think you'd have to pick me up, though."

"I'm open Friday night. How about you?"

"Yeah, that's fine with me."

"Wanna go eat at Torani's?"

"Deal. You...pick me up at 6?" Hesitation welled up in Jonatha's voice, but he knew full well that he had to go through with this. He'd promised Nicole that.

And, to be honest, she was actually cute...

Jade had barely finished his meal when he felt his phone vibrate in his purse.

"Oh, is it that Ash girl again?" Trina dreamily sighed. "She seemed so... so cute..."

"Come on, you know boys are cuter..." Keitha put his arm around Brandi and let Brandi's head rest on his shoulder.

Jade pulled out his phone and opened the message. It was indeed Ash Miller. But it wasn't flirty at all.

"Hey Jade? Call me after school. Weird stuff's happening up here."

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