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193. Implants

192. Rescue

191. Deviant

190. Broken

189. The Cost

188. The Changes

187. Forcing It

186. The Meeting

185. True Friends

184. A Set Up

183. Fleeing

182. 2 Symbiotes

181. Guild Eggs

180. Cold AEPs

179. AEP Missions

178. Management

177. Self-Destructive

176. A Breeder

175. Guild Attack

174. Void Sabotage

Replacing Broken Parts

avatar on 2023-05-02 04:24:15

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Brett was there, so it was easy to make a special room just for 02 on the lowest level. Once we put him inside, we began looking him over. He had all of those red lives of corruption all over his body. They appeared on both his skin and clothes. They were all made with the same nanites after all. We left him there for a day until Paul was able to come over. Neither of them knew what to do. This was not supposed to happen in this world. Symbiotes were not supposed to exist. This was an anomaly of the game's code. I remembered something one of the gym bro's said. "If he can't fix his eyes, we can give him some. They people at the gym said doctors can give them out for blind people or those who want an upgrade." Paul nodded and held out his hands. He spawned in the eyes. We were alone in the room, so it was totally okay. I put a hand on his shoulder. "Alright 02. You have to purge your eyes for now. We'll put new ones in." 02 shook his head. "I... don't want to. It... hurts." he said. I rubbed his back. "You have to. We're not going to abandon you. It's okay." I said soothingly. He winced.

Purging his eyes probably felt bad. He grunted out loud as they fell out his head. To be fair, he had been purging his newly forming organs so much that he had to be low on nanites. I was not actually sure that it would be easy for him to get more in his current state. Usually, AEP units were fine after eating. They also were not in the habit pf purging large quantities of nanites. I doubted that it would be so easy with all the corruption. Paul stepped forward. "Okay. I'm putting these bad boys in. You can try connecting to them with your nanites." he said as he pressed them into the red, pulsing sockets. I was certain it was not supposed to do that. "Gross." Brett said with his tongue stuck out. 02 began blinking rapidly. His eyes seemed to clock all 3 of us in the room with him. "Can you see us 02?" I asked. After a few more blinks, he nodded his head. "I can see all of you now. But I am officially a deviant now since I have to this human technology." he said. I waved that off. "You know we don't care about that." Brett said "You can stay here as long as you want. This might as well be your home."

I asked if there was anything else we could fix. He looked at us and looked down. "I'll run another diagnostic check." he said. 02 was not optimistic about the results. We were not expecting the best either to be honest. When he was done assessing himself, he looked up at us again. "Both my impact and sonic organs are inoperable." he said sadly. I looked at Paul and Brett. They did not look confident. "You guys can help him, right? You got 02 the eyes in no time at all." I asked. Paul shrugged. "Hey don't look at us. We can't just make AEP organs appear out of thin air." I guess that was too specific to just spawn in. Eyes were common items you could get at any hospital or rip doctor's shop on the continent. That made it easy to spawn in. There were no AEP organs on the market. Most humans were still unaware of the existence of the AEP units. 02 looked disappointed. I had an idea. "Wait a minute. I've got it!" I exclaimed. They all looked at me. "03 is essentially your twin. I've seen you both use the impact organs together on the volleyball court. We will get some organs from 03." I said.

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