“Okay. I think that I would be okay with it if you’re ok with it.” She finally said. “But what about your mom?”
“My mom?”
“Yes. Or anyone else. What if people find out about us or see us while you’re … helping me. I mean, your mom could come up stairs and wonder why you and I are in here with the door closed. If she opens it and finds us midway through what will she say? What will she do?”
“We could make a wish that people don’t find it strange. I feel like that would probably be safer than trying to wish away what has happened to you. Don’t you?”
“I guess. I’m not sure. What would you wish for?”
“I would wish that nobody would think it was weird for you to be breastfeeding me.”
Karen didn’t like Jon’s use of the term breastfeeding but quickly realized that it was inescapable. If they went with this plan, she would be breastfeeding him. She decided she would have to warm up to the idea that Jon would be nursing on her boobs if she wanted her problem taken care of.
After thinking about Jon’s suggestion for a few seconds Karen responded. “What if that turns you into my baby though? I don’t want to have to take care of a baby and I’m sure you don’t want to be one.”
“No. Definitely not.” Jon said, thinking about how some parts of being a baby seemed like they might be easy, but most of it seemed like it would be intolerable boredom. “Do you really think that would happen though?”
“No. But I wouldn’t have guessed that filling them with milk was the easiest or best way to make my boobs as big as Sarah’s based on my wish from yesterday either, so this rock doesn’t seem to work in exactly the way that we expect it to every time. Maybe we should wish that people just can’t see us while you’re nursing.”
They sat around and though about that idea for a few minutes before Karen saw the flaw in her own plan.
“No, if someone bumped into us or sat on one of us or something people would really freak out. And what if I run out of milk while someone is in the room with us. From their perspective we would suddenly appear with your mouth on my boobs.”
“Well, your problem with my idea was that we didn’t know how the stone would interpret it, right?”
“Then I just need to be more specific. Like I wish that nobody would think that it was strange that Karen was breastfeeding me because they would treat me like a baby with regard to my diet.”