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10. To the Food Court

9. Where to Next?

8. Gender Role Reversal: At the m

7. Gender Role Reversal: Lunchtim

6. Gender Role Reversal: First Cl

5. Gender Role Reversal: At schoo

4. Gender Role Reversal: A new te

3. Gender Role Reversal

2. And now for something complete

1. You Are What You Wish


avatar on 2018-02-14 10:59:55

1553 hits, 68 views, 1 upvotes.

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"Eat?" Alan asked. "Alex, I don't think that's such a great idea. Especially this close to dinner. What would your father say? And besides, aren't you trying to watch your weight? If you eat too much, that dress you bought won't fit you right."

"Oh, come on, Alan. Live a little," Justine said. "Eating something won't kill you. Jeez, what is it with boys and their weight? I like a little meat on my men. Who wants to see a bunch of anorexic boys?"

"Fine, let's get something to eat. But I'll just have a diet cola," Alan said.

Justine shrugged, causing her unrestrained breasts to bob underneath her jersey. "Whatever." Then she and Fiona turned and started walking towards the food court.

"You know, having arguments with Justine isn't the best way to win her over," I told Alan.

Alan groaned, then grabbed hold of my hand, pulling me with him. "Come on."

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