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8. Karyn becomes her exact opposi

7. It lands on tails.

6. They flip a coin to determine

5. They decide to use the device

4. Mikey becomes Jon's Aunt

3. Jon's Identity Changing Device

2. Jon wishes up a device

1. You Are What You Wish

Karyn becomes her exact opposite

on 2018-02-09 15:20:16
Episode last modified by Zehk on 2018-02-10 14:24:26

3217 hits, 200 views, 1 upvotes.

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"Alright, let's see..." Jon said, as he thought about his many, many options. "Well I could..." Jon continued as he began to narrow down his options. "Ok, maybe I could do..." he paused, thinking more about one idea. "Yeah, I think I like that one"

Jon turned towards Karyn who looked almost lifeless, just as his brother had when he was the target of the device. "Alright, what's your name?" He asked, mostly just to test that it still worked.

"My name is Karyn Black." She said, her voice lacking any sort of emotion.

"Alright Karyn, why exactly do you hate Sarah McMillan?"

"It is because of her behavior, she is a stuck-up bitch who thinks she is better than everyone else. She also picks on just about everyone who she thinks is less than her. Me and Jon happen to be in that category in her eyes, resulting in many unwanted confrontations."

Jon nodded, he's heard all of this before whenever Karyn would rant about it to him. She did this quite often. it was weird to hear it all come out of Karyn's mouth in such an emotionless tone. "Karyn, I've grown tired of your disdain for Sarah, while she is a bitch, part of the reason we get picked on by her is because you start most of those "Unwanted confrontations" most of the time. To sum it up, she would leave us alone most of the time if her presence didn't bother you as much as your presence bother her." Jon sighed, he could never actually tell this to Karyn, he was afraid of how she would react. nonetheless it felt good to get off of his chest. He took a breath and continued on to the changes.

"Alright Karyn, you're going to spend some time as Sarah McMillan, maybe some empathy for her will at least make it so that I won't have to hear those rants about the bitch so often." He looked at the device, It seemed that didn't register as a command. It looked like it only took simplified commands. "Ok, Karyn you're now Sarah McMillan, you will have her memories, her emotions, her tastes, and those breasts of hers that are as big as her ego." Jon looked down at the device to see how it interpreted the commands

==[Queued Changes]==

It seemed that the device took his commands fairly literally. What he didn't want was for Karyn to completely forget she was Karyn. "You will also remember everything about being Karyn." Jon hoped that would do the trick, he looked down at the Queued Changes again.

==[Queued Changes]==

"That should do it." Jon said, happy with the Queued changes. "Even if the whole empathy for Sarah thing doesn't play out, this will still be very interesting." Jon tapped the device a few times and the changes began.

At first glance, there weren't many changes that were happening, considering Karyn already had the blonde hair and large breasts thanks to her earlier wish. However, Karyn was starting to get Sarah's noticeably curvier figure as her waist got slimmer and her hips get curvier. Her face was also shifting slightly, beginning to match Sarah's infamously beautiful face. As Jon looked closer, he even noticed that makeup was being added as well. It seemed like Karyn's clothes were next, her average sweatshirt was getting thinner, and her jeans, which her getting shorter, eventually became a skirt. It seemed like her clothes were turning into Sarah's typical Cheerleader uniform.

Jon stepped back as the changes wrapped up, no longer was he standing in front of his longtime best friend Karyn, he was standing face to face with one of his greatest enemies, Sarah McMillan. "Damn" He said as he stood there for a moment.

He looked down at the device yet again and nervously tapped "Yes" on the confirm changes popup and waited for a reaction from "Karyn".

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