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8. Back to - normal?

7. The new girls get the rock

6. Hi Jon (again)!

5. Not gonna do it.

4. Quick Stash

3. The Bitch Makes Her Move

2. episode two

1. You Are What You Wish

Biff's Wish

on 2001-05-11 21:39:43

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"So, like, let's see what this thing can do!" Biff said tauntingly. "You two are gonna be, like so-o-o-o sorry you tried anything with us!"

Crap! Jon thought. Biff had the rock now, and a pretty good idea of what to do with it. And he had a feeling that whatever they planned to do to him and Karyn, it wouldn't be any fun.

"Bii-i-i-iff!" Jim whined. "Like, change us back!!! I don't wanna be like this!"

"Yeah," Ronald added. "Like, first things first, ya know?"

"Oh, okay, yeah! Ummmm... okay. I wish the four of us were normal and everything so we didn't have to worry about any of this stuff!"

There was a small flash, and Jon and Karyn felt the urge to glance away. They then turned back...

...And to their surprise, Biff and the others were still in their cheerleader outfits, looking at each other in surprise.

"You guys!" Biff said, "Like, what was I saying?"

"You were, ummmmm - like, gosh, Buffy, I don't remember!"

Jon and Karyn stood up, looking at each other. Buffy?!? Jon's mouthed. Karyn shrugged, a grin tugging at the corners of her mouth.

Biff - or Buffy now, it seemed - stamped her foot. "Well - gyah, Regina! I was saying something! Roni, Jamie, do you know!?"

"Ummm, like, didn't we come here to give Jon a message or something?" asked "Roni".

"Yah, that's right!" "Jamie" added, bouncing up and down in delight.

"Okay, now I totally remember it." She straightened the top of her cheerleading blouse and walked up to Jon. "Okay, Jon, like, Sarah wanted us to tell you that she was, like, rilly, riiiily mad at you, because she said you made her like totally sick or something."

"I see," Jon said, working on maintaining a straight face. "And?"

"And - and - like, I dunno, just don't, ya know, make her sick or nothing any more, I guess."

"Okay. Well, I promise not to make her sick again."

"Great!" Buffy smiled. "Like, thanks, Jon! You're really swell and stuff!'

"Yah!" Jamie said as she sidled up to Jon and attached herself to one of his arms. "And you can, like, make me sick any time you want to!"

"Th-Thanks!" said a flustered Jon. "Oh, and - Buffy?"


"Could I - I have my rock back, please?"

"Huh? Oh, yah sure!" She tossed it to Jon, who caught it. She turned to the other girls and said, "Like, okay, gang, like, back to my place! It's almost time for 'Roswell'!"

"Oh - my - God!" Roni exclaimed. "That Jason Behr is like TOTALLY HOT!!"

"And Brendan - yum!" Regina added emphatically.

With a series of squeals, Buffy, Regina and Roni girls ran back towards the car. Jamie pulled Jon's face down and gave him a kiss. "Like, call me sometime, cutie!" she giggled, then ran off after her friends.

And as the car full of perfectly normal, unworried cheerleaders sped away, Jon and Karyn looked at each other - and burst out laughing

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