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4. Suzie likes girls???

3. Suzie

2. somewhat different

1. The Future of Gaming

Suzie's secret lesbian desires?

on 2007-07-20 03:28:41

846 hits, 18 views, 0 upvotes.

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Nathan looked over Suzie's profile (both on-line personality and real world) and saw that for all roguish tendacies she was "GOOD GIRL" BLECH!! Well, Nathan thought, time to test my new powers. He reaches out with his digital fingers and tweaked several of Suzie's characteristics and powers without the slightest tremor in the Ether.

Suzie had been waiting for David for over half the day, getting just a little annoyed about it too. When suddenly the sky darkend and lighting struck uncomfortably close to her. Narrowly dodging out of the way, Suzie scrambled backward temporarliy forgetting that she was leaning against the fountain and hit her head against it and blacking out from the blow.....

"Miss... Miss H.... MISS HANNA !!!" a stern gruff voice demands from a distance, Hanna's head still hurt and didn't want to leave the warm soft darkness for such an abrasive tone so....

"MISS HANNA !!! Oh good, she's alive" the voice states, " Everyone go about what you were doing I'll take of the girl."
Girl? GIRL?! GIRL!!! That statement in addition to the assault on her person by this... THIS!!... THIS PIG !!!! made Hanna open her eyes and immediatley regretted it for 2 reasons the first being the light HURT her skull horribly. Second it was an ugly pig waking her, well an orc in city guard garb was right up in her face nose to snout. And worse his hand was on her chest!!!

" Are you ok miss?" the orc queried.

" Y... y-yes, sir" she answered tremously.

"Take it easy there, you've gotten a nasty bump on your head from the fall." the guard states functionally moving his hands over the rest of her, " I managed to drag you out of the fountain before you drown."

" D-drown???" Hanna parrots with a shudder.

"Yes, are you well enough to stand?" he stares at her expectantly.

"UM, I, I think so, if I do will you stop paw at me?" she states with wry humor.

He chuckles and answers "Only if you're up and att'em."

Hanna groans as she stands, the pain dully lancing throughout her brain.
"And the name of my NOBLE rescuer?" she queries sotto archly.

" L'rak, sentry of Epic City," he responds not picking up her less than repectful tone, " now if you are ok, I've few questions for you."

"O.. Ok" she says with awe closer to fear. "what are they?"

"Why did you dive backward into the fountain you were playing on?" question delivered in the manner of cops everywhere.

Bristling at the implication Hanna responds hotly sputtering " Playing.. Diving... I... Not.."

L'rak used to it says in a tone one uses on a slow child " Take deep breaths and start again slowly and from the begining."

Hanna even more upset just glares for a while, then taking a deep breath says in a clipped fashion " I didn't dive in while playing."

"Oh, Then why the show?" asks the city guardsman.

Still in a clipped, but injured tone " I was trying to dodge the lighting bolt that came at me from the sky." pointing towards the fountain.

" Lighting , Huh?" he grunted " On a clear day and with no damage."

Not believing this thicked-headed cop Hanna nearly screeches at him "What do you me..." looking to the fountain she sees that the cop is right, there is no sign of a lighting strike or even a cloud in the sky. Just some simple street magician tools, cards strewn about, rope of colored ladies kerchiefs, etc.
Promptly lossing her anger, Hanna just looks at L'rak in confusion who is checking her profile in the MAP.

"I" she stammers, " I must have been tiring to enterain the crowd to make some coin until make friend got here" finishes a little plaintavly.

L'rak's eyes temporarliy glaze over, then stops what he was doing and looks up and says mechically " ok just be more careful next time, and you might want to rest before any futher adventuring." Then adds in voice only she can hear. "Anything else misstress?"

Hanna concerned for her friend and shocked by the turn of events says in a offhand manner " If you could smell less... manly? next time we meet?"

"Of course mistress" He responds the same low tone then gets up and leaves.

Hanna unnerved by the whole thing goes to the nearest inn and turns in after leaving a post for her friend D...

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