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5. Zoe decides to be nice

4. No major incidents happen

3. Gym class and Jon's first wish

2. Zoe Interprets: Reboot

1. You Are What You Wish

Zoe Interprets -> Zoe Joins In: Pair Becomes a Trio

on 2016-11-02 06:46:32

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Zoe had been thinking about whether or not she should tell Athena about the stone. She was her closest friend, but Zoe figured that she should keep things simple and ask Jon first. She was also thinking about Jon. She didn't particularly want him to forget the stone. Jon was a good older brother and, although he didn't tell her about the stone at first, she realized that she wouldn't have told him either. She loved that she got to prank him, but she didn't intend any real harm. If she did, she'd definitely have done a lot worse to him. She wouldn't mind being his partner in crime.

By lunch time, Zoe realized that Jon was not making any more wishes. Maybe I scared him off with that this morning. She smiled to herself. She sat down alone, as she had a different lunch period than all of her friends, sadly, and she didn't socialize much outside of her group.

"I wish that I knew what wishes have been made on the stone since Jon got it."

Immediately, it flashed, and she laughed out loud to herself.

The only important wish that they've done so far was an accidental one, and she deduced that it wasn't Jon who made the wish. It was almost certainly Karyn. So he did tell someone. Karyn was for all intents and purposes Jon's girlfriend in Zoe's eyes. She figured that if Jon told anyone, it'd definitely be Karyn. Zoe generally liked Karyn. Zoe wasn't close friends with her, but Karyn was always nice to her.

Wow, they aren't very good at this, she thought.

"I wish that I could remember the old reality as if I'd heard all the wishes Jon and Karyn have made."

Since that was the true reality, she thought that it'd be better if she remembered everything straight.

At the end of the day, she headed home. She figured Jon and Karyn would come over to her house after school. She'd tell them when she got there.

When she got home, she waited impatiently for Jon and Karyn while thinking of the many ways she could use the stone.

The door opened.

Zoe was usually in her room listening to music at the moment, but she was sitting on the staircase which was facing the door.

"Welcome home," she said as Jon walked in the door, followed by a girl that was unmistakably Karyn, but definitely affected by that wish.

"Uh, hi Zoe," said Jon. He looked a bit confused at his sister's behavior.

"So basically, I've learned all about your wishing stone, and was wondering if I could join in."

Jon and Karyn exchanged a glance.

"How did you find out?" asked Jon.

"You were really irresponsible with it. You just left it lying around. I actually have the real one and the one you have is a fake. I thought I'd teach you a lesson with a prank, but you were really cautious with it."

"Teach me a lesson?"

"Well, this morning you wished for a gym uniform and I decided to give you a girl's. I chose how to interpret your wish."

"So that was YOUR fault."

"Yep, I'll admit it."

"But Jon... Oh wait, I must remember it wrong because I didn't hear the wish," said Karyn.

"I wish that the three of us remember things as if we've heard all the wishes on the stone since Jon got the stone," Zoe said. The stone flashed.

Jon winced when he heard the words "I wish", but his facial expression got more relieved as the wish continued.

"See, I'm smart and responsible when it comes to wishes, unlike you two," Zoe said. "Anyways, all I want is a chance to have fun like you guys might. I mean, an all-powerful wishing stone is literally the best thing that you could've gotten. It has practically unlimited potential.

Karyn turned to Jon and said "Let's let her in, Jon-boy."

"Definitely," he said. "Welcome to the most powerful group of three people in the universe."

"We'll definitely become the most powerful group of people in the world if we try hard enough." Zoe replied.

"Wait, you couldn't possibly actual plans of taking over the world?" Jon asked.

"Who knows." Zoe was half joking and half serious. She honestly didn't know yet. Zoe was really looking forward to using the stone, regardless of whether the purpose of it was to make her life easier in simpler ways or to experiment with unseen possibilities. As she said, who knows about anything anymore. After all, she, her brother, and his friend could do practically anything with the stone. She could change anything she wanted to.

This is going to be the start of something amazing, Zoe thought. We just need to be cautious to not wish ourselves into a corner, and we'll be able to do anything.

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