To my shock the body looked like a mix of body parts, all female below the waist and from the chest up I had the body of a white girl my age or so, but between the breasts and the waist instead of a torso were four extra breasts and arms. The lower pair looked Asian and the upper were black.
"What have you done?" I shouted.
"Calm down my dear," smiled the man "You shouldn't get agrivated in your condition. It was tricky piecing together compatible parts but I think it's a success. You should rest now, soon we'll need to work on rehabilitation to get your new body working naturally."
"You bastard, turn me back!" I demanded.
"I'm afraid I can't do that," he sighed "Unfortunately most of your body was damaged during the procedure and the rest is already earmarked for another."
"But but, I'm a freak now!" I protested.
"You most certainly are not!" he smiled "Youre a work of art. I'm confident that before long you'll come to love this body more than your old one and realise this is what you've always wanted."