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4. Starting small

3. Sarah

2. Personality's Change

1. You Are What You Wish

Small changes that make the difference

on 2016-05-04 04:02:59

2684 hits, 125 views, 1 upvotes.

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As the class started Sarah did not realy care about the stuff that the teacher was trying to teach to the student an just like always, she was in the back of the class speaking with Kimberlie about guys, suddenly kimberlie look at Jon an said
-"Hey, did you see anything new about Jon?"
Sarah answered "No, why?"
-"I don't know but he sen to be more muscular?"
Sarah look at Jon an he was in fact more muscular, then she tough "Hes he going to the gym, even if I don't care about the dork I am pretty certain that one month ago he was not that well build." an she was right Jon did make a wish to become more fit physically and to be able to keep this form with minimum physical exercise.Suddenly the teacher call the girls back from there contemplation of Jon an something shifted in the mind of Sarah, as a much she did not give a crap about school, that now she was interests in the stuff teach in front. Kimberlie was trying to speak with her again but Sarah was concentrated on the class
-"Hey, Sarah,Sarah, common Sarah what do you think about matching Karyn with Jeremy(one of the player of the football school team)?
Kim, leave me alone, don't see that I am trying to listen to the teacher?!
What's with you today, your not fun, something is on your mind?
Look Kim not right now, I realy want to listen."

Then for the rest of the class Sarah ignore completely Kimberlie but still tough for herself " Why do she want to match Karyn with someone? Sure the girl have nice boobs an look pretty but she's a dork friend with Jon, its not like we give a dam about them, but still we can give her a chance, but still, she can be mean with other people outside of Jon. Well we can find her a boy."

The rest of the day past without major incident or bizarre situation, well almost, when she was about to leave school, she bump into Karyn
-"Oiwwwwwww, sorry Karyn I did see you there, are you okay?"
She got up an give her hand to Karyn that look a her with stare of disgust stare "I don't need the help of someone like you miss "Look at me, I have big boobs"."
-Hey, I was only offering my help, but if you don't need it well go fuck yourself, oh an by the way, I am pretty sure that we have the same cup size you blond slut." an whit that she walked away from Karyn."Strange, normally it the way around, I am more on edge an she's more calm in those kind of situation, maybe its only me today..." Even when she got home she still tough about her day an those bizarre moment that happen but after a couple of hours of thinking Sarah gave up an went to sleep hopping that tomorrow would be a another day.

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