As the hungry vampire guided his evening meal, or is it breakfast, toward a secluded spot he was unaware that that glint of fang had caught the attention of someone else headed to the library. The Commission agent swore. "Damn. Can't any mission stay simple?" Having only been assigned and sent out to this town yesterday afternoon, travel was spent going over the dossier the Director had provided. He remembered the last thing the Director said. "This mission is "observe and report" only. You are to take no actions or have direct contact with the subjects unless explicitly ordered." Taking out his phone, the agent began to report his vampire sighting on the encrypted messaging app so HQ would be aware. As he was doing so, someone bumped him from behind roughly. "Sorry.", the man mumbled, sounding neither sorry nor interested. The agent looked after the now receding man. His jacket had the name of some pluming firm. Training made it obvious by watching how he moved that this was a person on a mission. A moment later, he saw a woman, dressed like a student, but, to the trained observer, obviously too old to be one. They both looked in the direction where the vampire had gone. Hunters! A first year out of the academy would have spotted them. The agent immediately typed a code into his app. No long winded message needed. There was a very succinct, standardized code for this situation. After hitting enter, a message appeared almost instanteously, "Status?" "Safe. Not target" "Understood. Commission Board notified. Maintain mission directives" That last part, "Maintain mission directives" meant do nothing. "Do nothing? What was about to go down would send the whole mission sideways and those damn bureaucrats didn't want to ruffle any feathers. Looking after the hunters, now moving at a faster pace to catch up with their quarry, thoughts were running through the agents brain like some super computer. "Oh fuck it!"
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