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17. Jon Decides to Go Back to His

16. Gender Role Reversal: Outside

15. Gender Role Reversal: Biff's W

14. Gender role reversal: Confront

13. Gender role reversal: Lunchtim

12. Gender role reversal: Arguing

11. Gender role reversal: Here com

10. Gender role reversal: Bus ride

9. Leaving for school

8. In the morning

7. Later that evening

6. In the kitchen

5. Heading downstairs

4. Karyn interupts

3. Gender Role Reversal

2. Parallel Universes

1. You Are What You Wish

Gender Role Reversal: Jon Goes Back Home (to His Own Universe)

avatar on 2017-03-17 19:16:57

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Jon cried into his hands, but then a thought occurred to him. He wasn't stuck here. He could still leave this universe and go back to his original one. But even if he did, would Biff's wishes still affect him? After all, it seemed that all the wishes made with this universe's stone only affected the version of himself in this universe. Maybe if he returned to his own universe, he could return to normal. Of course, it wouldn't reverse anything to help this universe's version of Jon.

But right now, he was only really concerned with helping himself, so with that, he willed himself back to his own universe and found himself suddenly back, in the boys locker room, standing up, instead of on the floor.

There were a few guys in the process of dressing or undressing, but they were all wearing shirts and pants, having no make-up, jewelry, or long hairdos. Jon looked down at himself and saw that he, to his relief, was also back to normal - kind of geeky and wearing a T-shirt and jeans, and sneakers. Yes, it seemed that he was back, but had Biff's wishes affected him in this universe too? He really hoped he wasn't a blond slut.

Jon walked over to a wall mirror, bracing himself. If he had blond hair, then Biff's wishes affected him here too. If he had his normal brown hair, then Biff's wishes were only affecting the Jon that existed in that other universe.

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