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22. Friendship Speeches in the Bat

21. Pentagrams Aren't Funny When Y

20. Meet Jon Gibson

19. Danger on the Horizon

18. Daydreaming Through Roll Call

17. Does this Count as a Meet Cute

16. Jasmine Might be a Little Clum

15. Jasmine's First Day

14. Meeting Cassandra

13. The Sleepover

12. A Dragon's Regrets

11. The Dryad and the Djinn

10. Getting Ready for the Sleepove

9. What to Do

8. Meeting Asteria

7. A Whole New World

6. Jon's Not the Only Genie in th

5. Jon the Genie

4. Wish to be a Magical Creature

3. Magic

Dreams of Djinni: Best Friends in Any Dimension

on 2023-03-30 00:39:09
Episode last modified by Gooose on 2023-04-01 01:20:18

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The pair made their way towards the women's bathroom, with Jasmine idly realizing how normal it now felt to go in groups. Even with memories of living as both genders, she wasn't really sure why that was different between the two. Then, as soon as they stepped inside, Karyn surprised her by pulling her into a tight hug. Even though she was startled, she found herself melting into the hug, releasing some of the tension she'd been carrying through lunch.

"You wanna talk about it?" Karyn asked while rubbing her back.

"Talk about what?" Jasmine replied

Karyn pulled back, setting her hands on Jasmine's shoulders, and gave her a flat look. "C'mon Jasmine, I know my best friend, somethings bothering you. It was written all over your face."

Jasmine bit her lower lip a little, "am I that easy to read?"

Karyn smiled back at her, "only to someone who cares about you as much as I do." Jasmine sniffled and pulled Karyn back into a hug. This, this hadn't changed at all; Karyn was absolutely her rock in any world, she should have realized the redhead would pick up on her distress. She wanted to open up to her, but couldn't due to the magic of it all. That and she wasn't really comfortable with anyone knowing about her old past as a human. Maybe if I just phrase it correctly...

"It's nothing really. It's just, things are going really great right now, and I can't help but feel like it's all going to come crashing down," Jasmine spilled. She was so, SO happy about her new life, but with that came an anxiety about waking up and discovering it was all a dream.

"Hey, hey, everything's going to be okay. A little imposter syndrome is totally natural when things are going well," Karyn cooed. "You're incredible Jasmine, and you deserve all those good things in your life; no one's going to take it away from you. If you're ever feeling like this just remember the things that are always true. I love you, your friend love you, your family absolutely loves you. You're not alone."

Jasmine finally let out the last of the tension with a deep breath, just backing in the comfort Karyn was offering her. Her friend was right, as she usually was. This was her life now, and she should feel secure in it. Asteria's magic was irreversible and sacrosanct. Her ancestor had welcomed her into her family, and told her to live her life; she shouldn't let herself be defined by anxieties about the world she'd left behind. She'd stepped into a new, truer world, and she'd never be going back. "Thanks, Karyn, I think I really needed to hear that."

Karyn stepped back with a slight teasing smile on her face, "besides, I may be biased, but I think you're the best actress in the theatre department. Sophia can pitch a fit about losing out on the lead all she wants, but you're totally gonna smash it on stage." New memories flashed into the Djinn's head, giving her context for what Karyn was saying. Apparently she'd been cast as Eliza Doolittle in the school's production of My Fair Lady, and Sophia Diaz was quite salty about not getting lead. Smoke in the Sky, we've only got two more weeks till opening night!, Jasmine realized, suddenly very excited about the upcoming show. Theater was something she'd always been interested in in the old world, and now it was one of her main passions. She actually was nervous about putting on a good performance, so Karyn's words of comfort did double duty.

"I'll certainly do my utmost," she replied in the uppercrust English accent she'd use in the second act of the show. She held a regal pose for a moment before both she and Karyn collapsed into giggling. However, after a moment Karyn sobered up and gave her a serious look.

"I want you to know you can always talk to me, Jasmine. You're really important to me and I don't want us to leave things unsaid, or have misunderstandings because we don't communicate when something's bothering us."

Jasmine hesitated for a moment at Karyn's seriousness, "You-you're thinking about Sarah right?" Karyn looked pensive, and Jasmine found herself nervously rambling. "I mean, you don't talk about her much, but I know you guys used to be friends before we met. Did something like that happen that made you not be friends anymore?"

Karyn shook her head sadly, "something like that. Honestly it was a stupid small thing looking back, but we let it come between us. We used to be so close..." The redhead looked away wistfully, "I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss it. All we do is insult and act snide to each other these days; the gulf between us just feels like it's gotten to big. Still, a big part of me wants to reconnect, I just wish she'd really talk to me."

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