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5. Enter Jean Grey

4. Jean Grey

3. Hidden Room Pt. 2

2. Hidden Room

1. You Are What You Wish

Is that Jon?!?!?!

on 2015-11-16 00:42:08

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Jon stumbled backwards, it was like he was drunk. He did have some control over his general direction so fell into the corner so he didn't accidentally knock over the rest of the vials. His vision blurred slightly but when it came back into focus he noticed his arms were mismatched, his left was slightly longer but a lot more feminine, it might have been described as graceful if it wasn't flailing around as he tried to stand up. When Jon did manage to stand up, he noticed he was off-balance because his right leg had changed too. His jeans were now a lot more unconfortable, they were now too short on his long, womanly leg and due to now having junk in the trunk they were so tight, they looked as if they had been painted on. With, a jolt his other leg and arm changed to match, and jerkily his body cracked into having a petite waist. His breasts inflated on his chest, lifting his T-shirt to expose a firm belly. As he checked out his new body in the mirror, Jon noticed his eyes were a different colour, they were now green! Jon mouthed into his reflection: "What the..." But was interrupted by a mass of wavy red hair which had sprouted and covered his vision. As he pushed the hair away his hands kept bumping into his face, when he finished he could see why, he was now staring into the beautiful visage of Jean Grey.

He pulled faces in the mirror, still surprised that it worked, Jean Grey was winking at him! "This is.." Jon's voice was also Jean's, it wasn't quite as he'd expected, (she had been fictional, after all) but still sexy, " cool!"
It was long until Jon felt another dizzy spell, but this time it was a lot stronger and Jon blacked out...

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