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27. Sarah's Parents Come Home

26. Enjoying the show

25. It's Biff

24. Reaching Sarah's house

23. The Life He'd Always Wanted

22. Jon heads to Sarah's house

21. Jon swaps with Sarah

20. Time to leave

19. Out of the Family

18. Karyn visits

17. A Pop In

16. Weird New Lives

15. It Doesn't Work

14. Jon chooses his mother

13. Curious Jon

12. Richard's Perfect Life

11. Swapping with dad

10. Mikey's Problem

9. Jon takes care of his problem

8. Zoe's Dinner

Outfit Swap: Sarah's Parents Are Home

avatar on 2017-03-08 19:36:26

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The moment that Jon's stiff cock sprang free, however, Jon froze, hearing the front door downstairs opening and closing and hearing voices - a man and woman. Those must have been Sarah's parents! How would they react to Jon and Biff being here? It was clear that, while it still looked like what Jon imagined Sarah's bedroom would look like, this room belonged to Biff. So how did all of this work? Sarah lived with Karyn's family, but Biff lived with the McMillan's? This whole thing was getting confusing!

"Why'd you stop, baby?" Biff asked.

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