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15. It Doesn't Work

14. Jon chooses his mother

13. Curious Jon

12. Richard's Perfect Life

11. Swapping with dad

10. Mikey's Problem

9. Jon takes care of his problem

8. Zoe's Dinner

7. Zoe

6. Thoughts in the Kitchen

5. Laura's Plans

4. More To It

3. Lag Hell

2. Outfit swap

1. You Are What You Wish

Outfit Swap: It Doesn't Work

avatar on 2016-05-05 14:22:32

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After concentrating for a while Jon gave up. It seemed that he wasn't able to control his power. It looked like he was struck randomly swapping outfits and roles with people until he could figure out a way to stop it. Jon sighed and carried on eating his dinner watching his mixed up family as he ate. "Still," Jon thought to himself "this could be an opportunity to learn about different people's lives and experience new things. At least it'll be interesting." Jon was an optimistic kind of guy and liked to think about the good things that could happen.

Jon wondered who he would switch with next

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