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15. It Works

14. Jon chooses his mother

13. Curious Jon

12. Richard's Perfect Life

11. Swapping with dad

10. Mikey's Problem

9. Jon takes care of his problem

8. Zoe's Dinner

7. Zoe

6. Thoughts in the Kitchen

5. Laura's Plans

4. More To It

3. Lag Hell

2. Outfit swap

1. You Are What You Wish

Outfit Swap: It Works

avatar on 2016-05-05 14:21:50

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Suddenly there was a cut and after blinking for a few moments Jon looked at his mother. It had worked, his mother was now wearing his father's clothes and Jon was back to wearing his normal clothes. Jon let out a small sigh of relief. He had gained control of his power. As he thought about his power, he realised that he was a bit like a superhero in an origin story. While he initially had no control over his power, he would eventually learn to control it like he just did. Sure it wasn't a power that he would've liked to have had given the choice. He would much rather have X-ray vision or the ability to fly, but he would have to make do with what he had. Jon wondered if he would be able to swap between two different people rather than just between him and another person. He decided to try it out.

Concentrating he focused his attention on his father and Zoe hoping to swap their outfits. Jon grinned as he tried, this would mean that his father would be wearing his mother's clothes and have her role while Zoe would end up as his brother. He was looking forward to seeing the results

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