Jon reached up to his face, feeling where his eyes should be. But his hands were met by flaps of skin.
His eyes had been replaced by ears!
He started gesturing his hands toward where he thought Karyn was standing. Making 'stop' and 'cut' gestures.
"You're giving up so soon Jon?" giggled Karyn
Jon nodded in response.
"Fine, lets get you fixed then" said Karyn, proceeding to the drawer to get some parts.
She pressed a mouth onto Jon's face-vagina, he felt a warmth, then spluttered a cough.
"Eurgh" moaned Jon, "That's gone and left a horrible taste in my mouth."
Karyn giggled, proceeding to give Jon a pair of eyes.
The warmth spread over Jon's face, and he sighed. "Don't ever take away my eyesight again Karyn, promise me that"
"Don't worry, I won't" smiled Karyn, taking body parts out of the drawer and fixing herself, "It was the only way I could think to make you give up."
Jon moved over to the drawer to get himself a new penis, but a thought crossed his mind, why should he give up this opportunity so soon.
Making sure Karyn wasn't looking, he reached into the drawer and lifted out another vagina. Pressing it against his upside done vagina, the correct way up.
There was a pleasing warmth in his crotch, as he quickly rushed to put his jeans back on, as to prevent Karyn seeing his flat crotch.