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16. IOC FW: The next morning

15. IOC FW: Getting Ready

14. IOC FW: The Outing

13. IOC FW: Surprises at the house

12. IOC FW: Morning Alone Time

11. IOC FW: At Home

10. IOC FW: Going Home

9. IOC FW: Reunited and it feels

8. IOC FW: Mark's new measurement

7. IOC FW: The Appointment

6. IOC FW: At the House

5. IOC FW: Meeting up with Stepha

4. IOC FW: Stephanie gets ready f

3. IOC: Free Wardrobe

2. The Institute of Change

1. The Drafting Board

IOC Free Wardrobe: The Next Morning

on 2023-03-22 16:36:56
Episode last modified by B5 on 2023-03-22 16:37:23

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The next morning Mark was making coffee, once again thinking about how strange it was that he was adding “Vanilla Kiss” flavored coffee creamer to his coffee. He used to like it black, but now he couldn’t get enough of sweet, creamy coffee. He grabbed some aspirin from the cabinet and downed them with a big glass of water, hoping that it would help with the pounding in his head and the soreness elsewhere.

When he woke up to the couple leaving that morning, he could only be bothered to put on a pair of pink satin shorts. The bra that the girl from the club had picked out for him last night was still on. He padded barefoot into the living room and sat down heavily on the couch.

Setting his coffee on the side table, he pulled his hair up into a ponytail; something that he had become quite adept at. He curled up on the couch and turned on HGTV, marveling at how much argyle they had put into the house that they were flipping.
He thought back to last night; the makeout session in the club with the girl - what was her name? Rebecca? While Julia was sucking face and giving a handjob to Rebecca’s boyfriend. They had all come back to the house that evening and started off together, but wound up pairing off - Julia taking the master bedroom and Mark staying with Rebecca in the living room.

Mark could not deny that he had had fun that night - Rebecca was wild and had done some things that Julia had not done; it seems that Stephanie’s knowledge wasn’t as thorough as she had claimed. Mark absentmindedly rubbed his breast, daydreaming of when he was literally upside down on the couch, screaming in delight.

“Well that was fun!”, Julia said, walking into the living room. She walked over to the couch and plopped down, cuddling into Mark.

“Nice shirt,” he said, sarcastically. Julia was wearing a sexy black lacy set of lingerie and the shirt from the guy she had slept with last night.

“Yeah, I told him I was keeping it. So how was Rebecca?” Julia asked.

“Good, but a lady doesn’t kiss and tell…” Mark said, not wanting to go down this road of conversation. If he was honest he really enjoyed himself. He was not completely comfortable with the arrangement just yet. He wanted to be supportive though. “But since you’re no lady, tell me about the guy.”

Julia smiled and feigned a shocked look. “You bitch!” she said, smiling. She gave Mark a little slap on the shoulder. “Well, he was not very gentle and I loved it. We did all kinds of positions - he put me where he wanted me. It was… wonderful.” She said, eyes drifting off in a dreamy look.

“So better than with Mark?” Mark asked- trying to look coy.

Juli sat down behind Mark and began to give him a quick shoulder rub. She kissed him on the neck. “Of course not. It was just… different.”

Giving Mark a quick hug she hopped up to go and grab a cup of coffee. Her phone rang and she answered it.

Mark could only hear clips and phrases but he could see Julia getting more and more excited as the conversation went on.

Mark took a moment to recall last night. How surreal it was to have makeup put on him. How surreal it was to be straightening his hair and putting on perfume. How surreal it was to be wearing the silver sequined dress that Julia had worn when they arrived from the IOC the first time.

He thought back to walking into the club in heels and how all of the attention was immediately drawn to him and Julia; her wearing a silver miniskirt and white mini tank top (that he insisted was just a sports bra).

Having his first, second, and fourth drink bought by different men and with different sugary flavors of fruit.

Having not danced with any of the men that bought him a drink, instead being drawn to the couple that ultimately came home with him and Julia.

How the girlfriend had her hand up Mark’s skirt on the ride home and Julia was straight up giving the boyfriend a handjob in the very back seat.

He was brought out of his reminiscing by Julia running over and jumping onto the couch excitedly.

“Ohmyfuckinggodthisisamazing!” She exclaimed.

Mark put a hand on her shoulder and looked her in the eyes. “Calm down and take a second - what is it?”

“I. Got. The. Modeling. Job.” Juila said, with much emphasis.

“Stephanie’s old gig?” Mark asked.

“Yes!” Julia exclaimed. “Like-all of her old contracts - they think i’d be a perfect fit! Literally! I have a consultation on Friday and my first shoot on Monday!”

Mark, allowing himself some excitement, squealed with her. After a few minutes he interrupted. “We have to celebrate!”

Mark and Julia went to Julia’s (and now Mark’s) favorite brunch spot on Paisley Street. “As much as we are going to wind up here we might as well get an apartment. I mean, that one is so cute!” Mark said to Julia jokingly.

He pushed the sunglasses off of his face and onto his head, pulling back his long blonde hair as he did. He took a second to make sure that his peach sweater was pulled down far enough (although it barely met the top of his low rise jeans), smirking as he noted the perfect amount of cleavage that it showed. He marveled at just how comfortable he was wearing Stephanie’s thigh high black boots, and appreciated how nice his ass looked in her jeans. He even loved how naughty he felt in her lace thong, which showed just a bit when he bent over at the waist.

“Imagine all the couples we could have up there. And the parties!” Julia said, as she got out of the car. While Mark had looked comfortable but flirty, Julia had gone with one of Stephanie’s “Insta only” outfits - a black lace bra and a sweater that was really just a couple of short puffy sleeves and a back. The jeans had strategic holes cut to show just a bit of the bottom of her butt cheeks, and the black stilettos on her feet did nothing to provide warmth.

“If only.” Mark said, killing the conversation.

They went into the brunch joint - mark commenting on the “so cute” floral centerpieces and then quickly began on the strawberry mimosas. 2 egg white omelettes and a shared cinnamon bun later they giggled about having the same tastes and asked for the check. Just as they were about to pay Julia’s phone rang. Julia quickly answered the phone, excitedly. She immediately ran out to the front of the restaurant to talk on the phone.

Mark paid and made sure to touch the waiter on the arm as he paid (also having left his phone number on the bill with little hearts instead of 0’s). Just as he gathered up his and Julia’s purses and began to walk out she excitedly came bounding back in.

Turns out that Stephanie had earned a vacation from the Northern Canadian Mining Trust and was able to bring both Mark and Julia. It was a trip to IOC Vista Cove, which was a resort down in the Caribbean that was run by the Institute of Change. There, you fill a role and are changed to fit that role. Sometimes people get to design their vacation, other times you find out when you get there.

“So we can only go next week!?” Mark asked, feeling like this was a sudden thing.

“Yeah! Steph said that there was downtime on a machine and that they were chartering a flight down there.” Julia said, excitedly. Suddenly, her smile turned to a frown. “But… I have a modeling job next week - and I can’t cancel my first gig.”

Mark immediately felt for her and pulled her in close. “I’m sorry girl, that sucks but you are right - we could really use the income!”

Julia responded “Well, I guess I’ll go ahead and tell Stephanie we can’t make it. She’s going to be devastated.”

Mark got a bit of a gleam in his eye - trying to keep it hidden from Julia. “You know what - I can still go. I’ll call her up and hash out some details. Would be a good chance to bro it up for a few days.”

Julia smiled and agreed that it would be a good break for Mark to have some testosterone in him for a little while. “Okay - I’ll miss Marcie while you are gone, but this should be fun for you two.”

Mark tried to hide his evil smirk as he got into the car, placing his purse down by his feet and fluffing his hair to keep it out of the seatbelt.

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