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12. A Dragon's Regrets

11. The Dryad and the Djinn

10. Getting Ready for the Sleepove

9. What to Do

8. Meeting Asteria

7. A Whole New World

6. Jon's Not the Only Genie in th

5. Jon the Genie

4. Wish to be a Magical Creature

3. Magic

2. Thinking things over

1. You Are What You Wish

Dreams of Djinni: A Dragon's Regrets

on 2023-03-19 21:57:36

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Sarah huffed in annoyance as she slammed the door to her room, irate at the day she'd had. Tiffany was just so irritating, going on and on about Steve this and Lily that. It made it hard for her to believe she'd ever had a crush on the other blonde. Sure, Tiffany was undoubtedly beautiful, which was what originally drew Sarah to her, but once she'd gotten to know her the girl proved to be incredibly vapid. Of course, by then the damage had been done, and her fumbling attempt to get closer to Tiff had snowballed into destroying the most important relationship in her life, ruining the friendship she'd had basically since the day she hatched.

See, the trouble was that Sarah had been developing romantic feelings for her best friend, and it terrified her; she'd thought if Karyn knew it might weird her out and she'd lose her as a friend. So, when she'd felt a little attracted to Tiffany, she'd absolutely leaped on it as an alternative and wanted to demonstrate that to Karyn. It had seemed like a good idea at the time, trying to get her best friend and her crush to hangout, but Sarah had gone about it like an idiot. She wasn't the best at expressing her feelings at the best of times, and the whole thing had ended disastrously. It didn't help that a week into her and Karyn not talking, she'd realized Tiffany absolutely wasn't worth it, especially considering she'd turned out to be straight. However, Sarah was nothing if not an incredibly proud woman, so she'd naturally refused to acknowledge her mistake and kept being friendly with the other cheerleader. Besides, Sarah was determined to be the best of the best, so it was only natural that she hang out with other popular kids, right?

Sarah flopped on her bed, absently tossing her form shifting necklace to the side to let her wings stretch out. Without the transfiguration, her big bronze wings could breath and her tail could unwind. *You realize your just trying to justify your mistakes, right?" a little voice in Sarah's mind needled her, and deep down she knew it was right. After her fight with Karyn, she'd gone down a path that led to a place where she couldn't honestly say she was happy. It had reached a point where it was probably her dearest wish to just go back and erase that stupid argument in the first place.

In truth, despite her pride, she'd almost caved not long after it happened and gone to apologize to Karyn, but something or rather someone had arrived to put a stop to that, Jasmine, the girl Sarah developed a desperate crush on. When the cute Mediterranean girl bounced her way into the class, it was like Sarah suddenly seeing a mound of gold, something she absolutely had to have. It had totally blasted any remaining interest in Tiffany from her mind, and was the first time Sarah felt as interested in someone as she was in Karyn. Unfortunately, disaster had quickly struck when Karyn rooted herself to Jasmine's hip basically from day one, leading to Sarah feeling burningly jealous of both girls at the same time. It wasn't Jasmine's fault, the human was far too sweet to be purposefully toying with her emotions, but she was furious with Karyn all over again.

She was Sa'rah Py'ramont MacMillan, and she was NOT second best. She'd decided two could play at that, and if Karyn was trying to make her jealous, she could also play that game. She'd made it her mission to become the absolute queen of Lakeview, making Karyn realize she was missing out and come crawling back to her. That hadn't worked out very well, and she'd ended up surrounded by 'friends' she didn't like, an on again off again boyfriend she had no feelings for, and success that was meaningless without someone to share it with. She just wanted things to go back to the way they were, but didn't have the first clue about how to get there. She didn't have much experience apologizing and didn't know how to even begin making up for how mean she'd been to Karyn over the last couple of years. Not to mention Jasmine, while she was never directly insulting to the beautiful human like she was to Karyn, she'd basically been a real ice queen to the girl to avoid having to deal with the feelings she aroused in her.

So it was that despite leading an outwardly charmed life, she was spending her nights regretting her choices and feeling miserable. She'd dug a hole so deep, she wasn't sure she could ever fly out.

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