When the school bus pulled up to its normal destination, something very different awaited Keisha and its passengers.
The school, a hulking mass of brown brick architecture dreamed up by somebody back in 1975, was instead a modern, gray and white structure half the size. Over its front entrance, proudly emblazoned in large letters, was a smaller but no less important change: "Victoria Hills High School".
As everyone got off the bus, she noticed that there were half as many buses, and there were only girls on her bus, as she expected. She walked through the gates, and because the school was so differently laid out, she checked her schedule.
First period was history class. She walked by all sorts of unusual sights: the bathroom (not bathrooms), girls kissing and making public displays of affection in the hall, a huge sign promoting this weekend's volleyball game.
At last, as she tried to process all that had changed, she pulled in to room C202, Mrs. Gray. A new world was about to unfold before her, and history class would help her understand just what her wish had done.