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30. Linda Gets Ready for School

29. Athena Ponders, Biff Fumes

28. Dress for the Job You Want

27. First Night with the Orb

26. Excellent Progress

25. A Few Days Later

24. The Third Client

23. Ms. Fine Intensifies the Chang

22. The Car

21. Dinner at the McMillans

20. Sarah Stays Home

19. Linda is Late

18. The next morning

17. Finishing up for the evening

16. Tidying up before bed

15. Time For Bed

14. The McMillans Need Help

13. Dinner Time

12. Laundry

11. Miss Fine Meets Her Next Clien

The Cleaner: Getting Ready for School

on 2023-03-13 02:44:32

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Linda was dreading the morning as her alarm clock went off. Today would be the first day of her remedial math lessons at Lakeview, and she already wanted to be done with it. With a groan she dragged herself out of Zoe's bed and began getting ready. God she hated all the goth decor in here, and wished she was back in her own elegantly put together room. She dragged on a monocolor grey tee, a pair of boxers and the least ratty pair of Jon's jeans she could fine. If there was one silver lining in their wardrobe exchange, it was that it cut down on her time spent picking an outfit. She did a quick light make-up job in Zoe's mirror, just lipstick and some blush really, before heading downstairs.

When she entered the kitchen she encountered a similar scenario to the previous day, Jon cooking while Zoe read the paper. The major difference was in Jon, who was wearing one of her navy skirt suit's paired with a ruffled red blouse. Honestly he looked sharp, the single buttoned blazer framing his bust nicely while the skirt was well fitted to his rear as if it had been tailored. He was also navigating the low black heels like a pro. "Good morning, dear, you ready for your first day of school?" Jon asked sweetly. Linda grunted, still not happy about the situation, and just praying that Jon didn't make a fool of himself at McMillan Industries today. Jon dished her up a plateful of eggs and bacon while pouring himself a cup of coffee.

"Hey, coffee's for adults, Jon," Linda protested. Jon made no move to relinquish the mug, "actually, you always said coffee was for people who had jobs, and today that's me right?" Linda wanted to argue but decided it wasn't worth it over a cup of coffee. Jon smirked in triumph and sat down, taking a deep sip from the world's best mom mug. "So, I've filled my backback with everything you could need for the day, and Ms. Lafayette knows to expect you," Jon explained while Linda ate her eggs. "And I've got everything set to cover for you at work. So once you're done eating, I'll drop you and Zoe off on my way in today." The school was in walking distance, but Jon wanted to give Linda a ride on her first day.

A few minutes later Linda was up in Zoe's room, grabbing the backpack Jon had left in there for her. She heard a Jon clear his voice behind her and turned to see him standing in the doorway. "Ah, before we go dear, I was thinking perhaps we could use this again for a quick session." Jon fished around in his purse and pulled out the orb.

"Why, Ms. Fine said to use it once a night?" Linda asked, confused. It wasn't like the thing had done anything anyways. "She said we could use it once a night, not that we couldn't use it more. I really think it was nice, sort of like meditation. C'mon it'll only take fifteen minutes."

Linda threw her hands up in exasperation but sat down on the edge of the bed and touched her hand to the orb as Jon sat next to her. As before it felt like fifteen minutes of nothing until towards the end when she felt the same curious pulling sensation. Jon looked deeply into her eyes and muttered, honestly those nails would look much better on me,"

Linda blinked, a little confused at what happened while Jon sat admiring the white tipped manicure of his nails. Jon had always had feminine hands that made her feel a bit self conscious about her rougher boyish hands with their perpetually chewed nails.

Ms. Fine hummed to herself as she shot off a text to Jon, confirming Gwen and Biff's living arrangements. Things were progressing splendidly with the Gibson family; Linda was resistant but Jon was surprisingly eager in equal measure, plus she would soon be able to bring Zoe out of the holding pattern she had her in. She'd already curbed the girl's goth rebellion, but soon she'd be making some more drastic adjustments. All three had also failed to notice the disappearance of Mikey from the house. (Coincidentally little Lacy Smythe down the street was ecstatic about her new twin sister Macy.)

Oh, the plans she had for this town! The Gibsons and McMillans were merely the start; soon things would be changing for the Blacks and Gibsons as well. There was so much potential here, and she was just the woman to bring it out. One little adjustment at a time.

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