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5. Soniafication Speeds Up

4. Ms. Esposito

3. A Hot New Teacher

2. A Horrible Mistake...(Reboot)

1. You Are What You Wish

Name Tags: Soniafication Speeds Up

on 2023-03-13 01:57:40

1196 hits, 178 views, 4 upvotes.

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Jon barely had a moment to ponder what was happening when he nearly doubled over in pain as it felt like all his muscles spasming at once. Radiating out from his exchanged genitalia his flesh began to ripples and shift; he could feel his pelvic bones reorienting themselves as his whole lower region transformed. His thighs began to acquire a light caramel color as they smoothed and grew tight, hairs retracting all along his legs until they were perfectly shaved. He stumbled as his legs lengthened slightly, while simultaneously acquiring the same complexion all the way down to his feet.

He scrambled to kick his pants off, standing half undressed in the stall. Jon started to straighten up before instantly lurching forward again, it felt like his ass was suddenly inflating, becoming much more padded. Simultaneously, he felt nauseous as his organs rearranged behind his new womanhood, his ribs shifting as a womb and ovaries grew in. The caramel color made its way to his toes, his entire lower half now matching the sun kissed skin tone of the Latina teacher he'd met that morning. Just as it reached his toes, his feet pulled in, becoming daintier, while each toenail suddenly acquired a bright red sheen of nail polish. Jon leaned heavily on the wall of the stall while the changes began to crawl up the rest of his body.

Meanwhile, outside in the hallway, Sonia Esposito was on her way to the teacher's lounge for a cup of coffee. It was her planning period and she was eager for the injection of caffeine. So far her first day at Lakeview Academy was going rather well in her opinion. The only hiccup had been her accidentally wearing the Jon Gibson nametag currently affixed to her blazer, but other than that things had been going swimmingly. She was hopeful that if she did a good enough job covering for Hargreeves, she'd be offered a permanent position teaching math here. Not only was Lakeview a charter, that paid a good deal better than the average public school, but it also would mean she could live close to her sister and niece. However, before she could get to the lounge, she heard some sort of disturbance in the bathroom as she walked by. She paused for a moment, thinking she should probably get a male teacher to look, but something drew her to investigate herself.

She clacked steadily into the bathroom, discovering it empty save for the last stall, which hung ajar. Slowly, she carefully pulled the door back and stood dumbstruck by what she saw. It was Jon Gibson but not as she had seen him only two periods ago. Jon was entirely feminine from the neck down, with a clearly female bottom half considering his pants and underwear had been discarded. He still wore the grey Guns and Roses t-shirt, but it was now stretched with large breasts under it, the Sonia Esposito name tag sitting atop the new bosoms.

Jon, whirled around and locked eyes with Ms. Esposito. He blinked, his blue eyes turning a chocolate brown that matched the pair he was looking at. All at once his face twisted and morphed, cheekbones raising, lips filling, eyes becoming larger, nose more pert. In seconds his face became a mirror of the woman staring at him. His head began to itch furiously until his scalp suddenly exploded in rolling waves of darker hair. Then all at once it stopped, and Jon was left leaning against the wall breathing heavily. He reached his manicured hands up to touch his face in disbelief and muttered, "Dios Mio."

Sonia meanwhile was struggling to find her voice as she considered the impossible. Her student had somehow transformed into a perfect copy of her right before her eyes. Hell he even sounded like her! What in the name of Santa Maria was happening?

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