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7. Fake it Till you Make it

6. Sarah ... But who am I?

5. On the Set

4. Waking Up Elsewhere

3. Jon sleeps on it.

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

On the Set: Fake it Till you Make it

on 2023-03-08 21:11:39

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It was a minor miracle that Jon was able to find his way to his trailer, luckily helped by the fact the name the bathroom duded had called him was on the door. Right now Jon decided to focus on damage control; the last thing he needed was to have people throw him in an asylum or something. He desperately needed more information on the world and life the stone had thrown him into, but to do that he'd need to avoid causing a commotion. So for the moment he needed to bluff he really was Madison Merlin, and that meant getting dressed and going back to Sarah, or Lauren he supposed, before she got suspicious.

Inside the trailer Jon was able to find a casual outfit laying on the sofa, no doubt set aside by the real Madison before shooting that day. While it was going to be awkward dressing as a woman, he needed to avoid causing suspicion. Luckily it wasn't anything overly fancy, just a white under armor tanktop,a fuzzy charcoal grey sweater, and some black leggings. Comfortable faux fur boots sat next to it and there was a white beanie and scarf laying on the table next to a purse. Jon quickly got dressed, steadfastly ignoring all the foreign sensations coming from Madison's body. He faced some difficulty with the baby blue bra and panty set, but he managed by fastening the bra backwards and then spinning it around; he instantly felt more comfortable in Madison's real clothes than he had in his 'Jon' costume, and he didn't know what to make of it. He dove into the purse and found a purple iphone along with a wallet, make-up bag, car keys, tampons, and other odds and ends. He picked up the Iphone, luckily being able to unlock it with Maddie's face and examined himself with the camera. He had to admit, he looked extremely cute; Maddie Merlin was a beautiful young woman, and in her dressed down look she was positively adorable.

Exiting the trailer he made his way back to set where he found a still worried looking Lauren reading a book while she waited. That almost stopped Jon in his tracks; he was fairly sure he could count on one hand the number of times he'd seen Sarah voluntary reading. Even more confusing was that as he got closer, he could see the book was a copy of HG Wells' War of the Worlds, something far too nerdy for Sarah to be caught dead with. Lauren looked up as he got closer and smiled a genuine smile as she walked over to him, tucking the book into her purse. "Glad to see you looking like yourself, babe." Jon was pulled into what he could only describe as a tender loving hug by the other woman, his mind still desperately trying to square Lauren with the cruel and shallow Sarah he was familiar with. Lauren pulled back but held on to his hand, looking him in the eye. "And you're sure you're okay?"

"Sorry, just a bit under the weather I guess. Long day, you know?" Jon tried, still unused to hearing Madison's voice when he spoke. Lauren tutted and gave her a quick kiss on the lips, "Aww, poor baby. Having to do that early make-up call time when you're already feeling bad had to suck! You should tell me next time you're feeling bad.""

Lauren began to lead them both towards the studio exit and Jon couldn't deny holding her hand filled him with butterflies. "Uh, I didn't want to cause any problems with production, y'know?" Jon knew precious little about the television business, but figured a lead actor getting sick would be a big problem.

Lauren rolled her eyes dramatically, "Honey you've never missed a day of shooting in your life; you're allowed to get sick sometimes. Plus, compared with all the delays Shannon caused last season, rearranging your scene so you can get some rest is the least the producers could do." Lauren leaned in a bit closer pouting, "But I really meant you should have told me, even if you were going to be stubborn and come in anyway. You're my girlfriend, and I love you and I want to take care of you when you need me to."

Jon felt a torrent of emotions at being told by someone they loved him in the romantic sense for the first time. Even if it wasn't really meant for him, the way Lauren looked at him, like she cherished him, made his heart soar. Lauren seemed so incredibly kind and loving that he was getting severe whiplash from the fact she looked like Sarah McMillan. That, coupled with his preexisting physical attraction to Sarah despite her personality, brought the words to his new lips surprisingly easily, "I love you too."

Lauren smiled brilliantly at him, "Okay miss workahaolic, let's get you home so we can cuddle, get some fluids and food in you, and get you feeling better. Since your sick, I'll even let you pick the movie." Jon found himself smiling back at her as she tugged him towards the carpark; while he knew he needed to get some alone time to research what this world was, an evening cuddling with Lauren sounded incredibly attractive.

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