Stacy welcomed Mallory in and pointed to a CD player connected to a pair of cheap speakers. "Let's go!" she said and pressed the button to start it up. "And thanks for the CD."
As the Disney pop music played on the Selena Gomez CD, Mallory tried to remember. Yes, of course she's the one who gave Stacy the CD. There wasn't even such a person as Jon. She remembered what Jon remembered, but she was Mallory, not Jon. She had parents and a school life and friends like Stacy. "I know what you're thinking, Stacy. My bad... I should've got you a card so you could buy it in iTunes. Oh, you know I heard a story that they're doing a movie of Wizards of Waverly Place?"
"Don't worry about the CD, and as for the movie I heard that too but it's a bad rumor. Selena Gomez was the one who didn't want the movie made to start with."
"Maybe she changed her mind or maybe they're just doing it anyway. Anyway..." She looked over at a stack of things in the corner. "Is that the red jacket you wanted? It looks really nice and if you got the pants as well...."
"Naah, I never told Mom about it until a week before my birthday. So are you gonna study for the history test, Mallory?"
"If I didn't, Mom would make me anyway." I bet Jon would ace it though, she thought to herself. Jon would have thought a lot of things, like she bet Jon would be excited for school the next day but she knew what school was like for herself and it wouldn't be a surprise at all.