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8. From bad to worse

7. Next Class

6. Jon's next wish

5. Awkward Gym Class

4. Got interupted

3. Jon's first class and first wi

2. Zoe interprets the wishes

1. You Are What You Wish

From bad to worse

on 2012-09-22 19:04:54

4091 hits, 219 views, 2 upvotes.

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Jon was struggling to think of a way to get his penis back, not realizing no matter how hard he tried, Zoe would do something to stop him.

He whispered again, "I wish I had a dick!"

Zoe thought about this one for a minute. Ultimately she decided, "Grant the wish by giving Jon a boyfriend by the name of Richard, who is the only one Jon has confessed about his vagina to."

Jon could tell his wish hadn't been granted. He could still tell he had a vagina down there instead of a penis. He had just figured this was because wishes couldn't be reversed. That is, until he was met outside class by a guy he'd never met before -- though he did seem strangely familiar.

The boy had long blonde hair and rugged good looks. He reminded Jon of a mix between a heavy metal fan and Fabio. Jon was a little weirded out when he guy reached an arm around Jon's shoulder and kissed him!

"What are you doing!?" Jon exclaimed.

"Come on, Jon, it's me. It's Richard, your boyfriend," The boy replied, "Don't tell me you want to go back into the closet? Besides, it's not like what we're doing is REALLY gay. People just think it is. They don't know your secret down there like I do."

Jon's eyes went wide as he figured out how his last wish had been interpreted. He had a dick now, a BOYFRIEND named Dick. And if he wasn't mistaken, just a few hours ago this "Dick" had been a girl named Karyn, his best friend!

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