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14. Jon finds out about Tyrone.

13. New Owner : Officer Donquisha

12. Danielle's Transformation is C

11. Tyrone is the Only One Who Not

10. Danielle is Attracted to Tyron

9. Tyrone and Danielle at the Pre

8. Tyrone Gets Arrested

7. Tyrone and Officer Danielle Ch

6. Tyrone Leaves His Apartment Wi

5. Tyrone Wants Bitches

4. Tyrone Has Woman Problems ...

3. Tyrone Jackson (Black Ghetto S

2. The Stone Gets a New Owner

1. You Are What You Wish

Jon finds out about Tyrone.

on 2012-04-13 15:50:33

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Jump to comments this definitely odd. It didn't SEEM wrong...but it felt wrong.

Jon - despondent over the foolish loss of his wishing rock - was walking through the park, when he looked over and saw a couple of VERY urban-looking black ladies. They wore the uniforms of police officers, and were laughing as they talked with each other...strutting and talking loudly as they walked their beat and chatted with passing citizens and children. There were always a pair of cops in the park...but wasn't that usually a couple of guys? Jack and Edward? No...somehow he knew these ladies were "Jasmine" and "Edina". He could remember seeing them a dozen times before, and talked with them every so often...but they still seemed to be...wrong.

Nobody else seemed to feel that way, though. A little girl feel down and bumped her head, causing her to burst into tears. Jasmine and Edina ran to her and scooped her up. Edina kissed her head, and as the girls mother ran up and took her from the police, they all three started to chat...and as the very animate black ladies pinched the childs cheeks and made her laugh, it was obvious that nobody else in the park thought anything was wrong.

For that matter, neither did Jon. It was strange how he just had this FEELING that the cops were different. It made bothered him enough that he decided to walk over to the police station. He thought hard about what he expected to see...and when he saw the police - every one a sassy, sexy black woman with expansive bosoms and asses - he realised that was all as it should be. He realised it...but recognized also that it was wrong. Recognized it as an effect of his wishing stone. Someone had WISHED the police like this, and reality had corrected everyones memories...but perhaps because he'd used the stone himself, he was prepared to accept that his memories might have been tampered with. Now...who could have done this? Or rather, who would have done this?

Then he saw him. Tyrone Jackson. He'd heard of him, but never met him. He was a dealer and often in trouble with the law...but as he walked out of the station, every police woman winked at him, called out to him ("Hey baby!") or boldly slapped his ass or cupped his junk. He smiled as he walked past them, syopping only to makeout with one of them, then walked straight out to the middle of the parking lot - looked about him - then held something up to his mouth and muttered something...

The black, pimped out Escalade appeared before him - spinners, ground effects and everything. The plates read "Tyrone J".

Tyrone Jackson...has my wishing stone!

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