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12. Magic Bra: Making it to the ma

11. Magic Bra: Karyn finally makes

10. Magic Bra: But F is for Failur

9. Magic Bra: E is for English cl

8. Magic Bra: Problems of a Growi

7. Magic Bra: The breast magic be

6. Magic Bra: Arrival at Karyn's

5. Magic Bra: Jon takes it slow

4. a bra

3. Jon Wakes Up That Night

2. Switched Magical Items

1. You Are What You Wish

Magic Bra: Making it to the mall

on 2013-08-25 01:23:25

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Jon looked down at the ground. Getting a feel for the look of the turf. He closed his eyes doing his best to picture the ground as he'd seen it. He then added a wallet with a ten thousands dollar visa gift card. He figured this would seem more legitimate then walking around with hundreds. His breasts began to tingle. The warmth that filled his breasts suddenly surged out. It felt as if his nipples were the dams holding in the magic.It was extremely pleasureable. He also felt the bra adjust. It attempted to turn into a shirt alternative. Though it changed into a light pink corset. Jon felt the constriction of it as the magic finished surging out. He looked down and was greeted by a canyon of cleavage from his newly reduced E-cups. He opened his eyes, lying before him was the wallet he'd imagined.

"There we go, you want to carry it?" Jon asked Karyn.

"No, it's your money I suppose you should carry it. Was the corset part of the deal too?" Karyn eyed Jon devilishly.

"No, The bra changes to what it thinks I want it to. I guess it knew I was upset about not having any clothes to wear. SO it turned into the closest replacement it could muster." Jon stammered, having to take far more breaths then usual.

"Well, try to keep up Mr. Big Top." Karyn set a quick pace as she started out for the mall.

Jon started after her. His corset holding everything in his torso down except his tits. They seemed to bounce jiggle and jump more then ever.

The mall wasn't busy. The odd teenager hanging around as was the case across the country after school. Jon immediately turned towards the cheap department store near the main entrance.

"Where do you think you're going?" Karyn glared.

"To get a shirt and go home?" Jon looked sheepish.

"You waste your magic on money you don't plan on spending. No, you're doing this right." Karyn grabbed at Jon's arm and started dragging him towards the nearest boutique.

"Karyn I'm a guy. I don't want to wear feminine clothes." Jon cried out as quietly as he could.

"Well, guys with tits the size of yours do." Karyn tugged harder. Jon looked down at his chest. It would be hard to find clothes to cover him up, especially if he got any bigger.

"Hello.... ladies?" The sales associate called out. The pre-planned greeting flopped awkwardly out of her mouth as she noticed Jon. It wasn't often she had a man in jeans and a corset get dragged into the store.

"Hi there, my friend has a bit of a problem. His clothes don't seem to fit him anymore so he needs a whole new wardrobe." Karyn casually recited.

The sales associate looked at the young man. With that much cleavage showing there was no way they were falsies. They could be surgery. Either way she had to deal with this.

"Sure, what's he looking for." The sales associate intoned.

"Something to wear." Jon muttered.
"Something fun, it's his first time getting to really shop." Karyn spoke over.

"Well, this will certainly be interesting. I'm Cindy."

Jon looked up, the sales associate was pretty cute. She had short brown hair, it was in a nice flattering cut though. She was dressed entirely in black clothing as probably was required by the company. She wore it well and it fit in all the right places. He probably sould have thought she was well endowed if she wasn;t dwarfed by his own magnificent mammeries.

"he's Jon, I'm Karyn. Where should we start?"

"Well, I'm assuming he'll need some bras?" Cindy asked.

"Yes, but the one he as now is fine. How about some casual tops first." Karyn offered.

"That could work. Come on Jon. I think I have just the thing. Don't be offended we're going to have to go to the plus size section. Even in women's clothing you're gonna have a hard time covering those up." Cindy grinned. Was Jon getting a little to caught up with it or did she seem to be eying up his chest.

Jon proceeded to follow sluggishly behind Cindy and Karyn as they picked out a wide assortment of clothes. he was sort of lost in a reverie when he felt the warmth. The pleasure built in his chest. It only took a minute this time to fill the tits back up. Maybe it was because he'd already covered that ground before.

"Here go to the changing room. We'll see how these work." Karyn looked at Jon.

"Okay." Jon grabbed the pile and headed towards the small room.

He grabbed the first top. Just a tank top with a bit of lace. he pulled it on. It gave him some difficulty but it worked in the end. He started to take it off.

"Show us!" Karyn called out.

Jon sighed, he opened the door.

"No, that goes with a blazer." Karyn laughed. "You don't wear it alone."

Cindy looked Jon up and down. "I'll help him figure it out."

Cindy walked towards the change room. She pulled Jon back in with her. She reached for the blazer that went with the tank top. She started to put it on Jon. Jon thought it was unnecessary how much patting she was doing.

"This was is no good Karyn." Cindy called out. She pulled the clothes off Jon as quickly as she could. Grabbing at Jon's corset she started stroking his tits. "I never thought I needed this as much as I did." She ran her long fingernails over the tops of his delicious tits. Worked her way into the cups and gave a quick tweek. Jessica's fumbling earlier had been enjoyable. Cindy seemed to have a working knowledge. The feelings were incredible.

"Here tiger. Try this one on. She pulled out a small v neck sweater. "You should wear this with something underneath. Like your corset. I'd like it better if it was just a little lacy thing though. I'd really like to dress these up. No sooner had the words left Cindy's mouth that Jon's addled mind agreed with her. The magic bra complied. Converting from the corset into the tiny little pink lacy number. The straps thinned out. Cutting into his cshoulders. The band also nearly disappeared. It almost felt like Jon was wearing a bikini the little support it offered.

Cindy stared slackjawed. She pulled Jon towards her. Reaching the little number off his nipples. She placed her lips over his engorged nubs and started sucking. Jon's knees went weak. The feeling was amazing. She backed up her ministrations with groping and touching. Jon's pants screamed for release.

Karyn banged on the change room door. "Are you two okay in there." Cindy straightened up.

"Yeah, just trying to decide what to try." Cindy leaned in and whispered. "I still want to see you in this. She pulled the tiny pink sweater over Jon's head. the neckline of the sweater wasn't much higher then the barely cups around his chest already. Jon felt incredibly exposed. Cindy looked with hunger in her eyes.

Hon opened the door. Karyn looked mouth open. "I'm surprised you'd wear that, let alone like that."

Jon stammered, "I had some encouragement. I think they should fit, Let's go now okay?"

"Yeah sure Jon." Karyn started to walk towards the register.

Cindy led the mto the cash. She promptly rung through the items. Jon realised he was wearing the v0neck sweater. He pulled his jacket back on. He couldn't do te jacket up so his peepshow was proudly displayed.

Jon paid quickly and as he grabbed the receipt he noticed it had a number written on the back.

"Come on Jon, let's go do what you wanted to do now." Karyn walked out of the store.

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