Karyn casually threw the stone into the air, flipping it, and caught it.
"So Jon-boy, what shall we do with this?"
"I don't know." I answered "Surely you can think of something. In the end you are the more creative of us two..."
"Oh, come on! You're not bad at all! I mean you had to come up with this lesser stones thing so... Anyway, there's one thing I always wanted to know but I never had guts to ask... I wish to know if Jon is into me."
Suddenly her facial expression changed. A bright smile appeared on her face as she learned the truth. To be honest I never wanted to show her that I fancied her so I don't spoil our friendship... But now it was too late. I wondered why did she ask it in the first place. Did she suspect something?
"Ok Jon!" she threw herself on me and hugged me hard. Too hard. "I'm glad you too! I'm so glad! Now I know and you know that I know so why hide anymore?"
So it happened. Me and Karyn officially changes our relationship status form 'friends' to 'couple'.
"Oh Jon! You know what I want now? Wait... I wish that me and Jon had a complete knowledge of all the sex techniques, no matter how obscure or weird!"
So that's what she wanted. I never suspected a girl like Karyn might be that horny... Meanwhile I saw her reaching to the bag and taking another stone - the Body Stone.
"I wish" she continued "that if either of us wants to use any of these techniques but we physically can't then our bodies are going to change so it's no longer a problem!"
That's a clever one! I thought and prepared my mind to be 'devirginalized'...