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8. Back to the groping

7. A swerve

6. "So, you like holding my breas

5. Becoming unstuck

4. He's carrying all right!

3. Boys will be boys

2. Mom's Turn

1. You Are What You Wish

Back to the groping

on 2018-05-17 16:05:33

1731 hits, 155 views, 1 upvotes.

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First a flash of light and then Jon was standing outside the mall as if nothing had happened. Excepting that it had. He remembered groping that woman and everything that had happened there. And... he now realized that he was still groping a rather large pair of breasts and couldn't let go. Even worse, they appeared to be his own and he was no longer wearing a shirt. He didn't see the rock anywhere, nor could he let go and search his pockets. The only thing he could do was stand there in shock and try to grasp the implications of being at the mall, half naked as a guy with huge breasts that he could not let go of.

Meanwhile at Jon's house, his mother was equally surprised to find the rock had mysteriously reappeared in her hand from out of nowhere. "What the hell is going on here!? First Jon calls frantically telling me to wish this stone to where he was at... Then it disappears like it never existed... NOW IT'S BACK!? I just wish I knew what was going on here." And suddenly she knew everything. How she had wished Jon to be holding that woman's breasts, how she had wished for him to have a pair of his own and that he and the rock would go back where they came from And how Jon was right this minute starting to panic as he tried to hide while unable to let go of his now enormous breasts. "Oh my. This is certainly not good."

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