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4. Into the mist

3. Becoming the dragon

2. Something diffrent

1. The Future of Gaming

Finnaly! Here we go!

on 2005-12-04 08:43:02

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I looked over my new body once more, and then thought done and a new screen appeared.

"Are you Sure? After creation, specifications cannot be changed!"

Yes I thought and the screen disappeared. The creation screen also disappeared, and I found yourself traveling through a misty tunnel. The tunnel twisted and turned, and it felt like I was traveling at incredible speed. All of a sudden, there was a burst of white. I found myself looking at a white marble wall, blinking my eyes, my feet, all four of them, uncomfortable on the marble floor.

Wait......four feet! I though wildly, shifting my head to look down. It felt strange, my neck seemed far to long and flexible. What I saw astounded me. Obsidian black claws attached to silver paws greeted me as I looked over my new body. I could feel my tail slowly swinging back and forth, my new wings settled comfortably on my now long and broad back. Raising my head back up, I became slightly dizzy as I reached my full, and quite alien, 11 foot height.

Carefully testing my self, I tried to walk. Astoundingly, I found it easy, natural even, to move four sets of limbs. Walking carefully around in a circle, I soon became acclimated to how my new body moved.

I could feel my neck shift against my shoulders, almost in time with my tail. I could feel my shoulder and hind leg muscles shifting easily and fluidly. Even after a short time, I became perfectly in tune with my body.

Next, I tried to move my wings. It was a very different feeling to move a sixth set of limbs, feeling my shoulder muscles strech and move in a totally different way. I stretched my wings as far as I could in the space I was in, which wasn't far really, just to test myself.

Content, settled my wings back on my back, and then heard a deep "Hello there." Spinning around, faster then I thought I could, I faced the sound. Unconsciously I felt my claws scrape against the marble, a low growl of surprise existing my maw.

Sitting not 20 feet away from me was a huge red and orange dragon. He, some how I knew that it was so, was so large that even while laying down, he was larger then I was. Any thoughts of anger suddenly disappeared, this guy could tear me apart without even trying. "Ummmm Hi" I stammered out. My new voice was deeper then I expected, and sounded somehow appropriate. It was nice and had a good bass, but held a silvery undertone.

The red dragon chucked, his voice much deeper then mine was, the chuckle sounding like a avalanche. "You must be new. Only new players act like that. My name is Razon by the way."

I nodded, a bit hesitant. "I'm, um, Darrgoth. And yes I just got the game."

Razon nodded "Well, welcome to Ether. You must have some guts to try dragons on the first go. Anyways, if you want it, I can give you some helpful tips."

I nodded. Razon seemed nice enough, and I wasn't so stubborn as to not accept help. "Ok."

Razon grunted, and shifted a bit. "Well first off, dragons don't have an inventory. We can get special pouches or carry bags, but other then that, we cant carry anything. And before I forget, here" Razon said, and tossed me something. Started, I quickly reached out with a claw to catch what he had thrown. Surprisingly, I felt my body shift naturally, my weight shifting onto my other three feet.

Razon seemed to be impressed, and I looked at what he had given me. At first looked like metal wristband, but as I looked closer, it had a small pouch attached. "That's a basic dragon carry bag. I make them for new dragons such as your self. Inside are two maps. One of the world, as much as the players have explored that is. The second is a map of Epic City. Also, there's a coin purse, with 500 copper" Razon said.

I carefully opened the pouch, and it indeed held what he said it did. I shifted and slipped it onto my left wrist, the metal of the band conforming perfectly to my wide wrist. "Thank you" I said.

Razon made a dismissive gesture. "Don't worry about it. I've done so much in this world, I figured it was time for me to help out the new players. Now, here's some advice. You probably found that it was easy to walk on four feet instead of two. That's because the game feeds you learning information on how to move when you ender the game for the first time. You should also know how to instinctively fly, so don't worry yourself."

I sighed, I had been worried about that. Razon continued "Also, once you walk out of those doors," he pointed, and I saw a large pair of golden double doors at the end of the hall "You will be in the primary reception area. Beyond that is the city itself. One last thing" Razon said, and he tapped a claw. "Many people take role-playing here very seriously. Most wont even talk about the outside world, so keep that in mind. Lastly, if you ever need help, I'm always available."

I was taken back by his generosity. "Thanks. One more question, where's the best place to meet some body? I'm looking for a friend."

"That would be temple square, just north of here. A good time to practice your flight. You cant miss the place, you should see a large fountain. And a lot of other people" Razon said.

I nodded "Thanks again, really."

"No problem, hope to see you around" Razon said. I nodded again, and walked over to the doors. The opened by them selves, and walked through them.

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