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4. Stripper and part-time hooker

3. Career placement: The next day

2. Career placement

1. You Are What You Wish

Stripper and part-time hooker

on 2016-01-05 05:05:01

1838 hits, 142 views, 0 upvotes.

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Jon stared at his job description in disbelief. "You will become a stripper and part-time hooker. Whenever your stripping isn't enough to pay the bills, you turn to prostitution to make ends meet."

"Um, there must be some mistake...," Jon stammered. "A... a stripper? And a hooker? How can I..."

The doctor replied, "Oh, don't worry, you'll be perfectly suited for your job, as I said before. In fact, when we are done with you, you probably won't be very suited for any other kind of work!"

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