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3. A Knight and his Squire

2. The tale of the Mage's Tower

1. The Drafting Board

A Knight and his Squire

on 2023-01-25 05:34:56
Episode last modified by User616 on 2023-01-25 19:02:30

462 hits, 27 views, 1 upvotes.

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"Squire! How much further is it?" Sir Kristan called.

Sir Kristan was a lazy Knight. Every since he was born, he was destined to be a knight due to his family's long connection with the royal family. He grew up in the capital, gorged on the finest foods and trained with the best. But fighting was such hard work. He seemed to better than most at it and he could potentially be better if he put his mind to it. But why would he? There were better things to do with his time, like women and ale. His rugged looks and slightly pudgy body of a man of 30 years weren't entirely unattractive but it was his position and coin which got him what he wanted.
"Well, answer me boy!"

Wally sighed. The long serving squire was entirety fed up with babysitting this man-child. At 20, he should've completed his training and become a knight but Sir Kristan hadn't completed a single quest. Somehow, the Knights Order had discovered this, 3 years too late, and sent them on this blasted quest to find the treasure of The Mage's Tower. Like most things magical, they had discovered it was troublesome to find.
"It should be around here Sire" Wally consulted the map. "Maybe we should camp in this clearing till the morn"

"Hmmph" Sir Kristan didn't like suggestions, they sounded too much like orders "I'm tired of going further, we camp here tonight, boy set it up, I need to flush the dragon"

Wally rolled his eyes as he began setting up the camp. Sir Kristan urinating loudly in a nearby thicket.

Sir Kristan slept unperturbed through the night, the same couldn't be said of Wally who was mostly kept awake by his snoring but at least he had the night sky to look at. He thought he could see colours dance across the sky that night but maybe it was just a half-dream he had.

"Wake up boy!! Let's get moving" Sir Kristan's voice rang through the young man's head. Wally groggily awoke and helped the Knight don his armour.
"Boy, find this structure on the map and we'll be able to find where our objective is" Sir Kristan barked.
Wally rubbed his eyes, there hasn't been a structure here last night. His eyes fell upon the tall stone wall, the Knight was pointing at.
"By the gods! That's it, that's the Mage's Tower!" Wally exclaimed, rushing over to it.
"It is?... I mean... Of course it is, my wisdom is unparalleled, boy. Let's enter" Sir Kristan was eager to finish this quest and get back to the city.

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