"Well honey your starting to look very pretty."marks mother said."You're old enough now you'll be needing one of these" and with that she handed Jon an object with a large conical plastic tube and a vacuum attached. "It's time for you to start milking yourself regularly Lizzy or you could get sick. Now, take off your shirt and bra and I'll show you how." With that mark's mother pulled off her shirt and bra and sat down with a pump. Jon thought how ironic it was that only an hour or so ago she would have been thrilled to see such impressive set of mamires. "You take on too Lizzie" she said. Jon sat down quietly hoping to appease her. "Ok Hon you take the pump and put the plastic cone over your nipple and press so it seals gently." Jon followed her lead. "Now push the small button on the top. As the pump began to hum Jon felt a gentle tugging sensation on her nipples and a stream of milk began to flow out. "Good honey make sure your tube stays in the jug." Jon looked down and noticed the two gallon jugs connected to the pumps by a small hose. She began to feel better as some of the weight left her breasts.After a few minutes all four jugs were full and capped and Jon felt a little better. However when she looked down she started in surprise as she noticed how big. her jugs had become they had nearly tripled in size and were almost as big as marks mother's. She also felt as if she were sitting higher in the chair, but to her dismay she saw it was because her button had grown much plumper and her hips wider, forcing her up. "Well honey you've hit a growthspurt ,soon you'll be a real woman and even prettier than me." Jon quickly went up to her room and found that according to the picture she was 15. As she began to leave she felt a hot dribble in her crotch. She hurried to the bathroom and with difficulty pulled down her pants and saw a slow red drip. Jon felt a sinking dread and not long after the aforementioned cravings. She retreated to her room again and watched as the last few minutes fled and her breasts bulged forward on their last growth. She heard a door open and close and mark shouted "Oh sister come down here please." Jon, powerless to obey walked downstairs and as she passed marks (her) mother she noticed she was three times bigger than her and her breasts bounced immpressively with each step as now for lack of sizes she wore no bra. Mark appraised her lingering on her chest and rear. "Well he said loftaly come on up." They both walked to marks room where mark quickly disrobed and placed his erect peninis before her. "Well" he said "go on", and Jon cravings fierce now obliged. very shortly after mark lie sleeping while Jon terrified waited to see what would happen. Her breasts and hips began to tingle and ache again and they both quickly swelled to gagatuan proportions putting her on the floor and causing her tremendous pain and pleasure as her huge nipples rubbed against the floor.
A new problem (Please continue this therad)
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