Jon and Zoë briefly stopped when they saw Sara and Leonard drive by.
"Dame it" Zoë exclaimed
"I have an idea" Jon said reaching into his pocket for a coin.
"Like before, good idea!" Zoë said
"Heads you are driving a motor cycle and I'm the fastest distance runner on the planet, Tails I am driving a motor cycle and you're the fastest distance runner on the planet" Jon said "That way we hedge our bets so at least one of us can win"
"Deal" Zoë said.
Jon flipped the coin and it landed
Sarah and Leonard where driving along confident in there victory until Sarahs car got a flat tire.
Sarah had to wait for AAA, so better then just sit there Leonard started walking. He soon ran into his mother (in this reality) who offered to give him a ride.
Eventually a truck came and fixed Sarahs tire. Sarah started speeding and eventually saw the mall.
Jon, Zoë Sarah and Leonard all heading to the mall, who would win?