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10. Lumena Kills The Two Men

9. Ambush

8. Demoness Lumena

7. Changing Lumena

6. David Gets a Taste of His Own

5. He's going to turn you into a

4. Suddenly you notice another fi

3. General Viper from Stella Deus

2. Never mind heros, you wanna be

1. The Future of Gaming

Dealing With The Sages

avatar on 2007-03-16 18:01:41

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One of the men asked "What are you going to do to us?"

I smiled. "I'm going to kill you, of course. Except for you," I said, pointing at the woman Sage. "My master has plans for you."

The woman looked terrified, even more so than the men.

I stepped back a few paces and watched as the magical barrier fell in on itself, crushing the two male Sages to death. Their bodies vaporized into thin air. The woman Sage was still there, but she had collapsed. I walked to her side, leaned over, and kissed her on the lips.

"You will definitely please my master." I grabbed her and in a blink of an eye we teleported from that open field to my master's chambers.

"Is that her?" my master asked.

"Yes." I layed her down on the floor and stepped back.

The woman Sage groaned then awoke.

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