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11. "...that we would learn what e

10. She goes to Jon's room uninter

9. Karyn tries to become herself

8. Oh, Mr. Mason...

7. Another distraction

6. Karyn goes home

5. Tune in, turn on, what?

4. Not what she wanted...

3. Is it hot in here, or is it ju

2. A hellishly simple solution fo

1. You Are What You Wish

Eavesdropping Zoe

on 2016-10-20 08:01:46

863 hits, 33 views, 1 upvotes.

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"I wish that we would learn what exactly happened with Jon's last wish."

Karyn hoped the wording was alright. She hadn't overly thought it out.

The stone flashed, and immediately, they heard a noise outside of Jon's door.

Jon got up and walked over to it and opened his door to see his sister Zoe standing outside.

Was this a result of the wish? Karyn wondered.

"Uh..." Jon seemed unsure of what to say. "Zoe?"

Zoe winced.

"What are you doing there?" Jon said quietly.

"I heard Karyn sneak in and was curious," Zoe said. "By the way, you both are absolute fucking idiots," she continued as loudly as she could within a whisper. She stepped into the room and closed the door behind her.

"What do you mean?" Jon asked.

"I know what's up with the stone now. I know the gist of what's happened so far with you two thanks to your latest wish."

"How does that make us idiots?"

"Making wishes like you have does make you fucking idiots. First, Karyn makes a stupid wish, then you try to fix it by making things worse, and finally you guys made a wish that affected me.

Oh no, Karyn thought.

"How did the wish affect you?" she asked.

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