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9. Karyn tries to become herself

8. Oh, Mr. Mason...

7. Another distraction

6. Karyn goes home

5. Tune in, turn on, what?

4. Not what she wanted...

3. Is it hot in here, or is it ju

2. A hellishly simple solution fo

1. You Are What You Wish

Something's very wrong

on 2016-10-15 07:27:41

1017 hits, 46 views, 1 upvotes.

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Karyn went back into her house and upstairs. She no longer felt tired at all.

When she went into her bathroom, she saw reflected in the mirror a girl she did not know. She wasn't surprised, but it was a bit disconcerting that she had turned into another person.

She focused her mind on returning to her old body, and her body almost immediately obeyed, quickly transforming into her red haired self. This was in stark contrast to earlier, where she had struggled to make and hold singular changes.

"I must be a lot less tired now, after that." she thought to herself. "I've never done anything like that before, even though it felt so good. It's not something I would do in the past. I know it's a side effect of the wish Jon made, but that was amazing."

Karyn thought that Jon's wish must have had some large side effects. She wasn't sure exactly what they were, besides the general idea. Regardless, she thought that it would be best if she went back to the wishing stone so that she knew what happened to her.

She got dressed in her normal clothes and started walking over to Jon's house. On the way, there were many tempting ribbons coming out of each and every house, but she knew that if she started doing that any more, she'd never get to Jon's house.

She knew where Jon's family had a key hidden, so she could open up his front door with ease.

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