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3. A girl's room

2. Something's different

1. You Are What You Wish

A girl's room

on 2010-06-24 05:49:00

3044 hits, 119 views, 1 upvotes.

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he still had it, but then how had this happened, something was majorly different.

His room looked like it was a teenage girl's room, he looked around, it was painted baby blue, there were posters of boy bands around. he looked in the closet and found his own clothes, and his TV and video games were still there, his computer and everything else he had was still there. It was only the room itself that had changed.

Zoe walked by, towards her own room,

"Zoe!... do you notice anything odd about my room."

Zoe peeked inside, "not anything odder than it normally is..."

"this... is normal...?"

"no definately not normal, but you've always had it set up like some chick's room as long as I can remember."

"oh uh right" and with that Zoe went to her own room, Jon sat down on the bed, he had had the stone with him all day hadn't he, how had this happened?

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