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12. Menage a trois

11. Invisible Girl

10. What a Cock

9. Later, John Looks for the Ston

8. Jon Wakes Up, But Biff and Kar

7. Assaulting Karyn

6. Moving In On Karyn

5. Commanding

4. Bound

3. Jon gets controlling

2. Bondage?

1. You Are What You Wish

Menage a trois

on 2010-06-05 03:02:30

1584 hits, 103 views, 0 upvotes.

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"Karyn?!" said John aloud, "Is that you? Talk to me."

Suddenly, as though the volume had suddenly been turned up far too loud on a porno movie, he heard he moan and gasp as he fingered her invisible clit.

"Please don't stop," she moaned, as, now moving on its own, he fingered her while simultaneously jacking off the proportionally ginormous cock of Biff Meadows.

"Hey," she cooed in a sultry voice, moving the Biff organ towards John's face in her own hand, "Put this in your mouth."

"Whoa!" shouted John, suddenly pulling back, causing Biff to fall from his grasp and flop in the grass, "Tell me what the fuck is going on!"

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