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11. Karyn's new look...(alt)

10. Some one else...

9. History Research

8. Nicole Lilse

7. Jon embraces second period (fi

6. In between classes... (fixed)

5. Finishing the Test

4. the Metamorphosis Begins

3. Get to Class

2. Weirdness at School...

1. You Are What You Wish

Metamorphosis: The New Karyn

on 2010-12-15 18:39:08

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Jon and Tiffany made their way through the crowd, though each was given a respectable berth amongst the students. Tiffany's huge belly and fearful nature usually earned her a bit of distance, and the entire school knew that Jon could kick just about anyone's ass, so it wasn't too difficult to weave through to the cafeteria.

"M-Madison, can I a-ask you something? W-why do you ha-have your hair l-like that?" Tiffany asked, indicating Jon's mahogany locks. "I m-mean, it must b-be hard to see o-out of y-yo-your left eye."

Jon reached up and absently brushed a finger through his hair, which now touched his shoulders and obscured the entire left side of his face. "Well sure it does, but it's not as if I really need to see out that side. Moreover, I think it looks smashing. Unique, even."

"I-I guess so, i-it still seems st-strange to me."

Jon gave a girlish titter at this, covering his hand over his mouth demurely as he did. His hand shrank as he did, until it had become as petite and lovely as he feet were. Similarly, Jon's overall frame seemed to shrink as he walked alongside his petite companion, from just a foot taller to just a few inches taller, making him 5'4".

The pair finally reached Jon's table in near the center of the cafeteria, where Nicole sat eating a Caesar salad. Looking up, Nicole's face brightened as she saw Jon approach. "Ah! Madison! There you are! And I see you brought a nouvelle fille with you as well," she added, glancing at Tiffany.

"Why yes, this is Tiffany Sanders, she just arrived earlier this week, figured she could use some mates, you know to help her feel welcome." Jon explained with raised eyebrows, giving Nicole a hint. "Tiffany, this is Nicole Lilse, resident bic-needer to our group."

"H-hello," Tiffany stuttered softly, looking down at the floor as rested a protective hand on her belly and looking as tense and nervous as ever.

Noticing the motion and posture, Nicole smiled at the girl in a friendly way, "Ah, an Américain, eh? I see you offer something for everyone. Karyn will love to have another native around here. Pardon, but I must ask, are you with child?" at the girls flinch, she had her answer, "Well I must say, I think motherhood suits you, you practically glowing!"

Tiffany looked back up at Nicole with wide surprised eyes, an unidentifiable emotion sparkling within, "R-really? Y-yo-you really think so?"

Nicole nodded her head and smiled once more, "Yes and I believe that Karyn would agree with me, trust me, she will."

"Speaking of Karyn, do you have the foggiest idea where she might be?" Jon inquired, looking over each shoulder. By the time his face had turned back to face Nicole with an inquisitive eyebrow raised, Jon's face had shifted, the cheekbones growing quite pronounced and the chin softening a little.

"Oh, I believe she went to go get peu, pardon, little Jessica," Nicole replied, her eyes scanning the room. "Ah there she is. Oi! Karyn!" Nicole shouted across the cafeteria, waving an arm to get the girls attention. "Come here! There's someone we would like you to meet!"

Following the direction Nicole shouted in, Jon spotted Karyn and couldn't keep the smile off his face at the sight of her. As usual, there was Karyn walking into the cafeteria with her two year old daughter, Jessica, who just happened to be looking around the big room with wide awe filled eyes and her thumb in her mouth.

This scene didn't seem the slightest bit strange to Jon or anyone else at the school, as they all remembered Karyn not as the tomboy she had been most her life, but rather as normal and pretty girl, who had slept with her boyfriend two years ago. When she found out she was pregnant with his child she told him and he dumped her, leaving her to deal with the situation alone. Many of her peers ignored and avoided Karyn after they found out she was pregnant, hurting the poor young mother to be deeply. It wasn't until she was seven months along, when Karyn met Jon and eventually Nicole and the three had been friends since - they had even helped her when baby Jessica was born.

Physically speaking Karyn hadn't undergone much of a magical transformation, though her change in attitude and attire alone was enough to make her look quite different. Karyn was wearing a nice, flattering purple kimono top that showed off her enhanced bust line and cleavage- quite nicely Jon thought - and hugged her slim, trim and flat waist. A pair of Jeans that hugged her wider hips and plump rear end and she wore a pair of leather sandals on her feet. A beige shoulder bag hung on her right shoulder and she held little Jessica on her left hip. Combined with the straight blonde hair, now pulled into a ponytail, and impressive bosom she had acquired yesterday, Karyn looked like what any young mother should look like.

And Little Jessica looked like a spitting image of her mother; with her shoulder length blonde curls pulled back into two pigtails and her big, round green eyes that looked positively huge on her small chubby face. Jessica was dressed in a small yellow shirt and a small white skirt; she wore a tiny pair of sneakers on her feet.

Karyn turned toward Nicole's shout and when she spotted her friend waving at her, she leaned toward Jessica and whispered something in her ear and pointed at Nicole. The little girl turned and when she spotted nicole she pulled her sticky thumb from her mouth and waved; her mouth opened up into a bright smile, small baby teeth sparkling white in the cafeteria's lights. Karyn shifted her daughter into a more comfortable position and made her way over to her friends table.

"Hi, guys!" said Karyn as she walked up with a big smile, "Sorry we're late, I had to stay after last class and ask a few questions about the homework and then sign Jess here out of the daycare. And then I ran into Steve Farber and he tried to ask me out again, I swear that guy doesn't know when to take no for an answer!"

"We understand Karyn," said Jon as his friend sat down across the table from him and placed her daughter on her lap.

"I don't see why he thinks I will go out with him just because he is popular. I mean I don't care if he's 'The Stud', I am not going out with him," Karyn replied, in a frustrated tone. "I know what he's trying to do, but its not going to work. I am not sleeping with another boy, or man, until I am married. I already have my little Jess, I don't want another kid just yet," Karyn finished with a sigh. It was then she noticed someone new sitting at the table, "Ah, and who might your new friend here be?" she asked, indicating Tiffany.

Jon blinked, but recovered quickly. "Oh, sorry. Karyn, this is Tiffany. Tiffany, this is Karyn, a fine friend and a loving mother. And this little lass, that is the most beautiful creature I have ever seen, is her daughter Jessica."

"N-nice to meet y-you," Tiffany said softly, Jessica looked over at tiffany and waved shyly.

"Hi," squeaked the little girl and she then buried her face in her mother's belly, causing the whole table to laugh and smile; all except for Tiffany who only looked on with a sad smile and her eyes became glassy as she rested a hand on her belly once more. Karyn noticed the new girl's behavior and a look of concern appeared on her face.

"Are you okay honey?" she asked - her maternal instincts kicking in, even though they are the same age - it was then her eyes moved down and noticed Tiffany's bulging belly and it clicked, "I am so sorry, I shouldn't have asked," Karyn said quickly.

Tiffany shook her head as she wiped the moisture from her eyes, "N-no, its okay, I a-am used to it by now."

Karyn picked her daughter up and moved her chair to the spot beside Tiffany, she then reached over and gave her free hand a gentle squeeze. "Still, I should have been more observant than I was, like Jon and Nicole have probably told you, I went through the same thing." Finished Karyn with a smile.

"Hey I just realized something," Karyn then turned to Jon, eyes twinkling jokingly, "I am not the only one without an accent anymore am I, eh Madison?"

"I'm the one without an accent, you have a yankee one. Us Brits had the language first before you septics did," Jon shot back with a huff, causing the others, including Tiffany, to laugh. "Haway, Karyn, we'll let Tiffany rest here with Nicole and Jess while we get the three of us some nosh."

"Alright," agreed Karyn, she then turned to Jessica, "Sweetie, mommy's going to go get our food. I want you to stay here with aunt Nicole, I'll be right back, okay?" After getting a, "'Kay mommy," from her daughter, she turned back to the new girl, "Tiffany, it was nice meeting you, I hope we can get better acquainted when me and Madison get back with the food." The two left Tiffany with Jess and Nicole, and made their way towards the cafeteria's line. As they did, several students stared and frowned, some actually glared, at Karyn as they walked by. Karyn didn't seem to notice the stares and whispers as they walked past and just continued to smile.

"You do realize everyone thinks you're a slut, don't you?" he told Karyn as they finally reached the line.

"Let them. They get to feel superior about themselves and I can just carry on with my life," Karyn replied, "By the way, thanks again for letting me wish my waist back to normal. You cannot believe how much more easier it is to bend-"

"Cack! The wishing stone! I had completely forgotten that I lost it this forenoon!"

"What? If you lost the stone, we should really find it." Karyn's attention was drawn toward the menu on the wall, "After all, if someone were to find it and use it, they could completely change reality. And we wouldn't even know it!"

"You're right, it's dangerous, but the chances of that happening are slim to none. Right now, let's just order some food and enjoy lunch with Nicole, your daughter and the new lass. Oh look, they have pastries."

"No no, honey, that will go straight to your thighs, believe me I know, it did when I was pregnant with Jess," Karyn scolded, giving Jon's exposed haunch a pinch for emphasis. Jon's thighs seemed to respond to Karyn's touch, the flesh softening and plumping to more feminine proportions. Neither Karyn nor Jon noticed this, however, and just continued their conversation. "How about we get three of the chicken sandwiches? Those look good."

"Well that may be fine and dandy for you, but I don't know about Tiffany, I might just get her some soup, don't really know what she can eat right now, and I'm a vegetarian, remember?" Jon replied, despite the fact that he had eaten meat all his life.

"Oh, right, sorry. I forgot about that, and your right, we should probably get Tiffany the soup. You can get that same salad Nicole was eating, I will get the chicken sandwich and I already have a small snack for Jessica in my bag so we're good there."

"That sounds ace," Jon said, ordering a bowl of vegetable soup and one Caesar salad while Karyn ordered the chicken sandwich. They grabbed the trays, then made their way back to the table. Halfway there an eyelash fell into Jon's eye. Blinking furiously, Jon failed to notice how each motion of his eyelids prompted his remaining lashes to grow longer and darker. By the time he had finally gotten it out, his eyes were framed by a dark, seductive fringe. Satisfied, Jon continued on with his lunch, none the wiser of just how far his changes had come...

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