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10. Earlier That Day 3

9. History Research

8. Nicole Lilse

7. Jon embraces second period (fi

6. In between classes... (fixed)

5. Finishing the Test

4. the Metamorphosis Begins

3. Get to Class

2. Weirdness at School...

1. You Are What You Wish

Sarah's New Look

on 2010-08-04 20:01:48

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( I would like to just let everyone know that, I didn't write this, I only changed a few things. This branch was actually written by chickenchaos, the credit goes to them! Not me! )

Sarah McMillian was typically late to her first period class, and today was no different. What was different, however, was the fact that Sarah felt a small twinge of guilt at her blatant tardiness. She couldn't say why, but Sarah felt that today bore some special significance, one that was a little spoiled by being late.

Shaking the feeling off, she made to get her homework from the night before, which is to say collect it from whichever dweeb she had manipulated into doing it for her yesterday. The teacher had just stepped out to take a call, so Sarah took the opportunity to stand up and head towards... who had done her homework this time? Sarah stopped, puzzling over the sudden blank of which exactly of the class's many losers she had coerced into helping her. Oh well, whoever they were could have quite possibly turned it in already, and worst case scenario she simply fails to turn in another assignment. Nothing out of the ordinary there.

As Sarah returned to her seat, she noticed her hands seemed strange. Her long nails were painted a bright red, whereas Sarah could have sworn she had painted them blue three nights ago. When did she change them? Well she must have, obviously. Obviously nail polish doesn't just change color on its own. Sarah chuckled to herself, determined not to reject any more weirdness and just have a normal day at school...

And she did, at least from her perspective, though her perspective of normal had been changing radically over the first three periods of the school day. As the first period had dragged on, Sarah's shoulder length blonde hair had begun to grow longer and longer until it reached her waist. While that was happening, her hair color darkened until her hair was a dark brown - almost black - which she unconsciously pulled into a high ponytail. Her nails lost their red color as the polish vanished and they became a good deal shorter, sacrificing the femininity of their previous length for practicality. Sarah's makeup had faded, but a little mascara remained around her eyes and the red lipstick on her lips darkened until it was a glossy purple. Perhaps the most striking change was in her height, as Sarah had shrunk a good half a foot from her previous height of five foot five to a short four foot eleven.

Sarah's body had also changed to meet her new proportions, and her breasts had deflated from an impressive D cup to a moderate C cup. Sarah's false tan had disappeared, replaced by the more natural coloring of a light shade of gold, earned from all the time she spent outdoors. Overall, Sarah's features also changed a good deal. Her blue eyes darkened to chocolate brown and they became almond shaped. Her nose shrank and her cheeks became more pronounced. Her purple lips puffed a bit more into an adorable pout and her eyebrows darkened and thinned and her eyelashes curled and lengthened a bit more. The Japanese symbols for Strength and Honor appeared tattooed on her upper right arm. Sarah's skinny frame gained muscle, giving her small body an athletic build. Her body used to scream, 'I am hot, I am sexy, now come and get me!', now seemed to say, 'Yes I am beautiful, but if you hurt me...use your imagination!'. Sarah looked so different now that if anyone who remembered her old self wouldn't even recognize her, but as was the case not one person seemed to notice the old Sarah was gone.

Sarah's apparel had changed as well, and not just to compensate for her new height and assets. Gone were the tube tops and miniskirts that had dominated Sarah's wardrobe for most of her adolescence. Instead, Sarah's clothing now seemed to be more normal, though they still hugged her in certain areas, but definitely favoring function over form. She wore a red windbreaker - unzipped - over a black tank top that had a low neckline and a high hemline - showing off a small amount of her cleavage and about two inches of her belly - and underneath that, Sarah wore a sports bra that granted as much support as possible as well as unrestricted movement.

Where Sarah had come to school wearing dozens of clinking bracelets and charms, she now simply wore a matching pair of leather arm bands. The gold hoops in her ears shrank until they were silver rings. Sarah now also wore a pair of grey sweatpants over a pair of black spandex shorts. Her usual high heels were long gone, traded in for a plain pair of black flip-flops, apparently her new self was comfortable with her height and didn't feel the need to wear heels to change it. She still carried a purse over her shoulder, but rather than an expensive designer style it was a simple black leather satchel with a Japanese dragon design.

And the changes were hardily limited to the outside, either. Sarah had continued to forget things, as well as change her mannerisms and actions altogether. She had gotten lost on her way to her second class, and needed to stop to ask for directions to find a class she had been going to all year. Her usual disdain and arrogance had been slowly replaced by a more quite air, and she now kept her interactions with others brief, cordial and just - to put it simply - nicer. Her familiarity with her surroundings had slipped further and further from her grasp until Sarah didn't even recognize her old friends, and she passed Biff Meadows, her former boyfriend, without so much as a second glance. Sarah had lost her seductive posture and walk during second period, and halfway through the third class, Sarah had acquired a slight Japanese accent.

Sarah had grown up a manipulative, vain creature, obsessed with appearances and categorizing those around her as either the useful to be manipulated or the useless to be scornfully dismissed. She had clawed up to become queen bee of the school, and enjoyed her position as the most popular girl with ruthless glee. But now Sarah, along with the rest of the school, had become convinced that she was an outsider to the school's social structure, a newcomer just moved here with her family not three days ago. This new Sarah cared nothing at all for the petty dramas her fellow teenagers based their world around, and the only extent to which she cared of her peer's attention was when it was unwelcome. And thanks to the fact that she was most likely the shortest - not counting the freshmen - and slightly less endowed girl in most of her schools, Sarah remembers receiving all manner of unwanted attention and bullying. Whereas the old Sarah had reveled, basked in the ogling of the male students upon her female form, the new Sarah found it uncomfortable and a little creepy. She had long ago lost count of the number of times she had to either tell watchers off or send them packing to the nurses office with bruises and bloody noses - she was taking martial art classes at the YMCA and her father had been teaching her since she was six. Though in actuality Sarah had never done either thing once. While the old Sarah would have made fun of people with a shorter stature than her, the new Sarah was proud of her short and toned body.

With all memory of the school's layout and halls forgotten, the new Sarah found herself lost again. "How hard is it to find the Restrooms in this place?" she mumbled to herself in a higher pitched voice. Sarah searched with increasing franticness as she wove her small and lithe body skillfully through the crowd, until finally she happened upon an unmarked bathroom door. Satisfied that she had finally found the Restroom, Sarah plowed through the door.

Jon had made his way to the bathrooms in the west wing of the school, the one section of the school that had not seen refurbishments in the past sixty years. His change of clothes should be in the nearest bathroom stall, as they always were. Pausing in front of the mirror, Jon touched up his hair, which now framed a heart shaped face.

Turning to enter the stall, Jon's tight shirt brushed against his nipples, sending a shiver down his body. Glancing down, he found that for the third time his nipples were poking out. Pulling the shirt off, Jon inspected his chest. Now not only were the nipples themselves the size of thimbles, but the areolae were now a good inch and a half across and a bright pink in color. Combined with his collapsed stomach, it made Jon's torso seem rather androgynous indeed.

Reaching up on instinct, Jon gasped as as a finger brushed against the sensitive mammary, a warm pleasure that felt wonderfully familiar despite having felt nothing like it until History class. Rubbing his long fingernails along the wide circles, Jon began to sway to the waves of pleasure across his body. As his breath lapsed into a series of moans and gasps, Jon's voice went up again, this time to a rather feminine mezzo-soprano.

Jon's experimentation came to an abrupt end when a small figure flew into the room, causing Jon to jump back with a yelp. He instinctively covered his arms over his exposed nipples, though why he couldn't say.

The girl, who looked to be that short Japanese girl who had started school not but three days ago, seemed just as shocked as Jon. "Oh...uh, Konnichiwa, err...Hello. Um, sorry about that...I am new here and I...uh, still can't seem to find my way around yet," the girl said as she bowed her head, cheeks flushed in embarrassment.

"Oh its quite alright," Jon said, quickly regaining his composure and gave the girl a kind smile.

Despite her size, Jon observed, the girl looked to be about his age, "These bathrooms are a little confusing, as the school board never replaced the ones that were pinched decades ago. You must be new here."

The girl smiled and nodded, "Hai, I am. My Family came here from Japan about a year ago and we have moved many times for my father's company. We just moved into our house last week and I have just started here three days ago," the girl paused and grinned sheepishly, "There I go again, rambling! Allow me to introduce myself," she bowed, "My name is Sara Li Suzuki."

"A pleasure. I'm Jon Madison, though most people ring me up by my surname. Tell you what, you met any mates here yet?" Sara Li shook her head. "bleedin' brilliant, then. How about thou come eat lunch with me and my group then? Nicole's a frog and Karyn likes meeting new people."

Sara Li smiled and bowed once more to Jon, "It would be an honor to join you for lunch Jon-chan. Now, I believe I have the wrong Restroom, is the one I need down the hall farther?"

Jon nodded, "That's right, take a right, you're looking for the red door. Wait for a spell after your done, I shan't take a moment." Sara Li excused herself, leaving Jon to change. Most of the clothing was about the same, the shorts now a little tighter and the shirt now a bit short at the bottom. The underwear was about the same, but was now accompanied by a garment that Jon didn't recognize as a training bra. His shoes were now glossy black flats that fit Jon's new feet perfectly. Two small studs sat at the bottom of the bag, and Jon pulled them out, and placed each one in his ear, each fitting in perfectly despite neither one having been pierced until the moment Jon put the studs in.

Stepping out and meeting with the girl who was at once his new friend and old enemy, Jon led Sara Li in the direction of the cafeteria, striking up a conversation on Tiffany Sanders and her bitchy clique of tossers, and then discussed the different styles of martial arts. The two hit it off, and soon it was evident that Sara Li Suzuki was the perfect friend for Jon. Which, of course, which was just what the architect of Jon's change had intended her to become.

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