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8. Demoness Lumena

7. Changing Lumena

6. David Gets a Taste of His Own

5. He's going to turn you into a

4. Suddenly you notice another fi

3. General Viper from Stella Deus

2. Never mind heros, you wanna be

1. The Future of Gaming

Demoness Lumena

avatar on 2007-03-15 01:11:22

624 hits, 21 views, 0 upvotes.

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One hour equals a month in the game and I set my Reality Check for three hours, meaning three months of game time.

And it was one month into my three-month time that my master Viper decided to change me from his human sex slave into his demoness sex slave. I existed both to please him and protect him. And I would kill if necessary.

I stood naked before the mirror in my master's quarters, watching myself transform into a demoness. My skin changed from human skin color to a sort of deep red color. My nails (both fingers and toes) became claws. And horns grew out of my head. My blonde hair became wild and black. My eyes became red. I grew a tail. And my tongue changed to become like a serpent's tongue.

With my transformation complete, my master told me about my first task.

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