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23. Who has it easier: The end of

22. Gym Class

21. Prelude to a Gym Class (cont.)

20. Karyn’s (Jon’s’) Final class o

19. Prelude to a Gym Class

18. Jon’s Afternoon

17. Karyn’s Afternoon

16. The Day rolls on

15. Reunion II

14. The Day Continues

13. Reunion

12. First Class

11. The Day at School Begins

10. Karyn's Wish

9. After Breakfast

8. At Jon’s House

7. The Following Morning

6. Back at Karyn's old Home

5. Karyn's Walk "Home"

4. Jon and Karyn

Who has it easier: The end of the school day. (Jon)

avatar on 2017-01-16 18:51:54

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Authors note I decided to give this story line a title. I got it for the first chapter of this story by VeronicaZ all those years ago. So in her honor I name this story line Who has it easier. Enjoy . Scarlett

Jon was enjoyed his relaxing shower with the "other" girls so much that he hadn't even thought about where he was even once during it. As with all good things it came to an end to soon. He picked up his towel and dried himself off just as his classmates were doing.

He walked over towards the lockers and opened the locker he was using and took out his clean outfit for the journey home. He pulled a clean pair panties from the locker followed by a pair of jeans which ended just below the knee. He then took out a white bra which he put on with no problems as if he had been wearing one his whole life. He followed this up with a white top. The last thing he put on was white tennis shoes with sky blue laces. He then went over to the mirror to fix his hair and makeup. This didn't take him long as Karyn normally didn't wear that much. Once finished he picked up his bag and turn to walk out the door of the locker room.

Just as he closed the locker room door behind him, he found himself overtaken by a wave of dizziness which came at him from nowhere. As the dizzy feeling was passing Jon took a look down at what he was wearing. "What when did I put this on?" He said to himself. The last thing he remembered clearly was talking to Susan outside the locker room. He looked up at a nearby clock on the school wall. School was finished for the day judging by the time on the clock. Just then Mrs. Wilson came out of the locker room. "You played well today Ms. Black, better than I have seen you play in a long time. Keep it up and you might just make the volleyball next semester." She told him as she walked away towards the teachers' lounge. Jon walked out of school slowly towards the spot where he and Karyn would normally meet after school.

He was first to arrive in the few minuets it had taken him to get there he had realized that he must have attended Karyn's' gym class after all even though he couldn't clearly remember it. He must have been running on some sort of autopilot, which worried him a great deal. What else might he have done that he couldn't remember? It couldn't be a wish could it? No Karyn hadn't brought the stone to school had she? No she hadn't she had told him that this morning. At that moment Jon had more questions than answers. He would need to wait for Karyn to turn up so he could ask her about it. Hopefully she wouldn't be much longer.

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