"So 'Mommy' how is my niece doing?" she said rubbing Jen's large belly. Jen could summarize that she had she had gotten an ultrasound test done and that the results were she was going to have a girl, "Oh she is just fine," she said managing to hid her surprise with her hearing her new voice, "she been kicking nonstop." Jen felt a little unnerved with the fact that Zoe was snaking its way around her leg, "In any case, I'm glad dad finally remove the lock on my T-Pad, now I can do what ever I want with my body, just like you." Jen could only assume that "T-Pad" stood for trans-pad and it was the object in her left arm. Jen felt a tug on her udder as unannounced to her Zoe had pulled a glass from the cupboard and used her tail to milk Jen's udder, only a low and pleasurable moo escaped Jen's lips as Zoe pulled on her teats, she then pulled the glass up to her lips and drank. "Come on I know its unhealthy to drink your milk raw, but you taste so good I can't help myself." she walked up the stairs to her room her tail swishing all the way. "maybe I should go she what Karen has done to herself." almost as in agreement her calf kicked as she walked out the door. Out on the street Jen saw the whole world was changed. She did attract looks of surprise as to why was a pregnant cow walking the streets. When she arrived at Karen's she saw...
It's a girl
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