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6. David Gets a Taste of His Own

5. He's going to turn you into a

4. Suddenly you notice another fi

3. General Viper from Stella Deus

2. Never mind heros, you wanna be

1. The Future of Gaming

Taste of Your Own Medicine

avatar on 2007-03-14 04:23:55

694 hits, 26 views, 0 upvotes.

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I looked up and saw Viper, the avatar that I was in control of before the Devil in the black cloak showed up. He was smiling at me, while he removed his large cock from his pants.

He said to me "My dear Lumena, I've just arrived and I've waited for this moment for so long."

It was at that moment that I realized who I was supposed to be now. I was the priestess Lumena. This was my scenario! Except that now I was the woman, instead of the man.

And I knew what was coming next.

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